Newbie here. Searched first but forgive me if my keywords weren’t right.
My install is a few days old, so I’m on core-2021.3.4 running on a Pi 4.
When I save any automation, all of my other automation’s toggle off and on for a split second:
To be clear these toggles aren’t caused by a server restart, but simply saving a single automation.
On the surface this is OK, except that many of the automation’s can be running with an active timer to shut off lights x minutes of motion stoppage. This means saving a single automation results in lights that don’t get shut off.
I’m migrating over from a semi-complex ST instance so there will be a lot of tinkering and automation saving in my future…I’d like to minimize driving my wife crazy if possible.
Any thoughts on mitigation strategies?
I first thought to asynchronously call a script upon motion stoppage so that the timer is run separately and not impacted by “the toggle”, but there doesn’t appear to be a good way to manage unique instances of said script to avoid collisions from different motion sensors.
Any other strategies to help keep automation timers running when doing a bunch of “saves”?