SBFspot Bluetooth homeassistant addon

Hmm that shouldn’t be correct.

Can you post the log, with any sensitive info removed.

Can you do me a favour.
Would you mind posting a screenshot of the empty options page. I want to see if the translations show up(in English) perhaps they don’t show up for you if English is not your set language…

I’ll start again right away, everything takes a while.
I uninstalled the DB and will reinstall it again.

[2022-11-06 22:56:40.315] Error: Can’t open MySQL db [SBFspot] : Access denied for user ‘sbfspot’@‘’ (using password: YES)
MQTT: Publishing (homeassistant/sbfspot_{plantname}/sbfspot_{serial}) “PrgVersion”: “3.9.7”,“Plantname”: “SMA Wechselrichter”,“Timestamp”: “2022-11-06T22:56:40+0100”,“SunRise”: “2022-11-06T03:40:00+0100”,“SunSet”: “2022-11-06T15:15:00+0100”,“InvSerial”: 2110179211,“InvName”: “SN: 2110179211”,“InvTime”: “2022-11-06T22:56:39+0100”,“InvStatus”: “Ok”,“InvSwVer”: “02.64.00.R”,“InvClass”: “Solar Inverters”,“InvType”: “STP 8000TL-10”,“InvTemperature”: 0.000,“InvGridRelay”: “Information not available”,“EToday”: 5.668,“ETotal”: 94520.004,“GridFreq”: 0.000,“PACTot”: 0.000,“PAC1”: 0.000,“UAC1”: 0.000,“IAC1”: 0.000,“OperTm”: 47488.841,“FeedTm”: 45918.224,“PDCTot”: 0.000,“UDC1”: 0.000,“UDC2”: 0.000,“IDC1”: 0.000,“IDC2”: 0.000,“PDC1”: 0.000,“PDC2”: 0.000,“BTSignal”: 0.000,“InvWakeupTm”: “2022-11-06T07:27:53+0100”,“InvSleepTm”: “2022-11-06T16:45:52+0100”
Error: Unknown option ‘Wechselrichter/sbfspot_2110179211’.
Use ‘mosquitto_pub --help’ to see usage.
MQTT: Failed te execute ‘/usr/bin/mosquitto_pub’ mosquitto client installed?
Error 256 while publishing to MQTT Broker
Reading events: 2022-Nov-01
Sun Nov 6 22:56:40 2022: INFO: Done.
Configuration Error: Syntax error on line 34 [/usr/bin/sbfspot/SBFspotUpload.cfg]

Well it should send mqtt data without a DB connection.

Ok so the order of the error codes isn’t really important.
There are effectively two programs running SBFspot and SBFspotUpload, they log to the same console, which is why the order isn’t really important.

This is an error from SBFspotUpload.
This error is ok for the moment. You can just ignore it. Although it is a permissions error. It doesn’t matter for MQTT even though it is right before the mqtt.

[2022-11-06 22:56:40.315] Error: Can’t open MySQL db [SBFspot] : Access denied for user ‘sbfspot’@‘’ (using password: YES)

This error matters It is from mosquitto_pub(SBFspot)

Error: Unknown option ‘Wechselrichter/sbfspot_2110179211’.
Use ‘mosquitto_pub --help’ to see usage.
MQTT: Failed te execute ‘/usr/bin/mosquitto_pub’ mosquitto client installed?
Error 256 while publishing to MQTT Broker

The problem is the SPACE in your plantname I think,

“SMA Wechselrichter”

try it as 

“SMA_Wechselrichter”      ### with an underscore between


“Wechselrichter”          ### without the SMA at the start

This is Good. It means you are connecting to the Inverter and getting data. Just have to sort out the MQTT issue.

MQTT: Publishing (homeassistant/sbfspot_{plantname}/sbfspot_{serial}) “PrgVersion”: “3.9.7”,“Plantname”: “SMA Wechselrichter”,“Timestamp”: “2022-11-06T22:5 etc etc etc

This means the SID is not being picked up from options.

Configuration Error: Syntax error on line 34 [/usr/bin/sbfspot/SBFspotUpload.cfg]

Yes, that was it simply without teaching signs.
I just tested the MultiNV and it works with the same setting.
Good work.
Can I enter the serial number by hand?

Hmm you shouldn’t need to… it is getting picked up in the mqtt data.

If you want to have it as something else… Change this option


to something like




I am not totally sure that will work with the sensor creation though.
It goes through like 3 parsers to convert the information into the correct syntax…

Hello, sorry that I’m only getting in touch now, here’s a screenshot of the sensors that I get without changing anything.

Looks good. Is that with {serial} or your adjusted serial?

I meant a screenshot of the options page. I was curious how it showed up in your system (which is presumably in german? not english) Perhaps I can translate some of the English into German or something.

Hello, so I use the original have not changed anything.
I did the following. I edited it right away in Yaml, first entered zero everywhere and then entered the data individually because if I hadn’t done it that way, I only got error messages every time and I couldn’t save.

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Sorry I meant on the Non yaml options.
I was trying to see if the hints and explanations show up.

However I tried adding a de.yaml file with Deutsch translations and it didn’t pick it up, it still showed the English hints when I switched to Deutsch language in HA. So it’s not as easy as I thought.

Google translate does translate the options page if that helps someone in the future.

If you happen across an addon that has translated options post a link and I’ll have a look at how they get it working.

I would have a different approach maybe just using Mqtt just for my own use of the data. I can well imagine that most of those who use it with and for HA only do it for themselves so that they don’t always have to go online via any manufacturer apps, just to check and to have an overview.

Hello, had to find the following problem.
Whenever I have to restart the system after an installation or a change or after an update or if the system runs itself, I have to restart the integration SBFspot so that it runs and displays values ​​again.

Yes it takes a few minutes during the day to send the new data.
At night the communication to the inverter is shut off so it will sit on unknown until the addon is restarted, or when the inverter wakes up in the morning.

You could make an automation to restart the addon following a restart of home assistant.

Unless you know how to write a python script to track the websocket restarts inside the container. I haven’t managed to do that as yet.

I managed to add 1 inverter to pvoutput and back to HA.
it was not clear in the energy dashbord were to add them… it’s in “foreseen production”

as pvoutput donator you can add several inverters and the production can be summed.
You need to look at data aggregation : Data Aggregation — PVOutput documentation
Could be a solution.

But atm for MultiINV-SBFspot i have a message preventing installation :
’ not compatible with pi cpu’ (sorry for my bad translation … i have HA in french ^^)

In the addon store if you click on check for updates you should be able to install now for your pi.

I put my sensors in

retour à la grille (return to grid)
production solaire (solar production)

foreseen production (next production?) is that for solar forecast(prévisions solaires?) perhaps?

You can put the MQTT data directly into the energy dashboard or you can use the PVoutput data. That is upto you.
SMA Energy Lifetime is what I usually put in Solar production.

Although with two inverters you would need to make a template sensor to Sum both MQTT sensors from each inverter.

{{ states('sensor.sma_energy_lifetime) + states('sensor.sma_energy_lifetime_2') }}

The data from PVoutput should already be an aggregate of both inverters(I think, was waiting for you to tell me actually).

Regarding the donation aggregation. You would need to be uploading the two inverters separately. SBFspotUpload (its combined in MariaDB) should be already sending them up to PVoutput in aggregate(I think)

This will poll your inverter to update your sensors when homeassistant restarts when it is dark.
This is how I would set up said automation.

First you need to use puttygen to make a public private key

the Public key, (which is the blue highlighted bit)
gets pasted into a file called `’ or whatever you want to call it.
for this example its ‘

The Private key you need to go to ‘Conversions > export OpenSSH Key
That gets pasted into a file called ‘id_rsa_ha

They get put in config/.shh/ note the fullstop .ssh for hidden directory.

You can create known_hosts file at this time too.


You need to change the permissions on the id_rsa_ha file via the console (Terminal addons -la)
chmod 600 id_rsa_ha

If you don’t change the permissions you will get an error.

Once all that is done you can test the command in Terminal and SSH addon( the official one, not the community one).

The command is

ssh [email protected] -o UserKnownHostsFile=/config/.ssh/known_hosts -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa_ha 'docker exec addon_a51a23d8_multiinv-sbfspot /SBFspot -v -finq -mqtt'

You need to change the hostname(haosVM.local) to your hostname(eg. homeassistant.local)
You will also need to change addon_a51a23d8_multiinv-sbfspot to the other addon if that’s the addon you are using. eg. addon_a51a23d8_haos-sbfspot

for example
ssh [email protected] -o UserKnownHostsFile=/config/.ssh/known_hosts -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa_ha 'docker exec addon_a51a23d8_haos-sbfspot /SBFspot -v -finq -mqtt'

don’t forget the quotes wrapping the docker exec part.

Once it works you can make a shell_command in your configuration.yaml

  # poll SBFspot Inverter with -finq
  sbfpot_finq: ssh [email protected] -o UserKnownHostsFile=/config/.ssh/known_hosts -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa_ha 'docker exec addon_a51a23d8_multiinv-sbfspot /SBFspot -v -finq -mqtt'

Then you can make your automation

alias: SBFspot Poll nighttime
description: SBFspot poll inverter on HA restarts outside of daytime hours.
  - platform: homeassistant
    event: start
  - condition: sun
    before: sunrise
    after: sunset
  - condition: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.multiinv_sbfspot_running   ## Enable in supervisor integration
    state: "on"
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
  - service: shell_command.sbfpot_finq   ## This was made above
    data: {}
mode: single

The binary sensor comes from Supervisor Integration in Devices and Services
You need to enable the binary sensor

Hopefully I will figure out websockets one day and make the automation redundant. This Automation is significantly easier to setup than websockets so far however.

I suppose you could also use the shell_command to poll your inverter more often…

Thanks to Mike and if you need further info

for info I’ve also posted the ‘multi inverters’ on SBF spot forum and here’s the reply.
I’ve tryed updating that parameter … but I see no difference.

Set MIS_enabled=1 in SBFspot.cfg

I then installed MultiINV-SBFspot. verry easy. Thx again !
I will following the logs for a few days to check if all numbers match

Beginner question I guess… but where do you see MQTT sensors ?

I don’t think you actually need MIS enabled. You would if you were running SBFspot directly using multiple BT inverters… But it’s two separate addons so shouldn’t be being used…
(I Think) it’s one of those things I can’t test.

Edit: Hmm that’s interesting about the BT network. That seems to imply only one inverter would need to be polled for data from all inverters. You would have to check the numbers to confirm that. Perhaps multiple addons are not needed and just one BT address is required.

MQTT sensors should show up in the MQTT integration in settings > devices and services > MQTT integration.

That’s assuming you have run the create sensors once to create them in the HAOS-Sbfspot or MultiINV-SBFspot addons.

For sure, using Multi and MIS option are two different solution.
I see other people looking for the same answer… I’ll dig a little bit.

Thx for the MQTT explaination… It’s now working.

Still have to do :

{{ states('sensor.sma_energy_lifetime) + states('sensor.sma_energy_lifetime_2') }}

where do I need to add this sensor sum ?

By any chances … are you as good with daikin heat pump or Domintell domotic that you are with SMA inverters ?

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Hi there, I used the SBFspot BT HA addon for a while with pleasure to get data from my SB2000HF in HA. A month ago I updated my PV-system (from 2011) on my house and reused the SB2000 and old PV panels in a bit more remote location: too far away from my PI4 for a direct BT connection, but within WIFI range. Would it be possible, or better perhaps already experience with the new BT proxy feature in HA (based on ESP32) to bridge this connection gap? I am a user, with very little programming experience… so may need a bit of explanation if this turns out to be a stupid question…