Scalegrow Load cell Watering by weight .. need help

Hey everyone ! … Quick Intro, diy fan since birth and the projects never stop.

I have a working setup with Pi and ESP8266 ( Nodemcu) . .where i have a shipping scale from amazon gutted out and refitted with HX711 amplifiers, wired to ESP that transmits data to HA…

Setup works well, i have 3 scales in a 2x4ft tent, all three are wired to one ESP using D0 as Clock … D1, D2 and D3 used as Data for each scale. ( All 3 are using D0 as clk in parallel )

Using Node Red, i have a simple flow that monitors weight of the pot… when dry it turns on a Relay switch to power a 12v water selenoid and a 12v Peristaltic pump, once the target weight is reached… the relay and pump stop . easy peasy.

I also have this working on a 4x4 tent with 9 Scales… 3 nodes running 3 scales each

Problem however, as i expand this i find strange problems i can’t figure out… the main one is this.

Currently working on a 12 scale table, 4 nodes ( running 3 scales each… and 3 relay switches ) After soldering up the HX711 following the same pattern, quadruple checked my wiring and am confident i have it correct… Plug scale 1 into the esp and it works fine… plug in a 2nd scale and poof… everything quits… if i unplug scale 1… scale 2 works … but they don’t worth when both plugged in at the same time.

I know this works because i have it working in the tents… the readings can sometimes get erratic but for the most part it’s 95% good…

I have tried swapping the HX711 boards with new one’s…

All ESP, Relay boards, and the 5v + and - to the HX711 come from one 5v 5a power supply and i’m well within the power limits…

Wire between Scale and the Nodes are about 10ft by the end of the table… if that matters…

I have tried soldering the HX711 at the Scale side… and at the other end of the cable at the Node ( esp ) end… same problem.

the Logs in EspHome show the HX data correctly when only one scale is plugged in… but as soon as i hook up a 2nd… i get " 0 "

Would love any and all ideas… thanks.

would add more pics… but new guy settings won’t let me lol…

ok… an update to this

Until now, i have been using the same pin on ESP8266 for " CLK " and then D1,D2 and D3 for Data of each scale… But today i tried a new esp and soldered a pair of wires, giving each it’s own pair… why did i not try this before… god only knows… *slaps self on forehead

But the 3 scales on one node soldered this way comes thru clean, no erratic readings etc. so far. going to rework the other esp for salces 1 thru 9 and see if it all clears up . fingers crossed !

Next up… plumbing… urgh… i hate plumbing.

oh… and a pic of the rats nest of wires now that the forum will let me do it ! lol…