Scan_interval for RESTful sensor: how to randomize the value "a bit"?

Hi, is there a way to randomize the scan_interval for a RESTful sensor a bit? (RESTful - Home Assistant)
Context: I’d like to occasionally ping an endpoint of an online service which they usually use to propagate a web UI with data, and I’d like to integrate that data directly for use in HA. I don’t know anything about their monitoring or throttling, as the endpoint is not meant as an actual REST endpoint for other users, so I’d like to randomize my requests a bit. So instead of calling it once every 30 minutes, I’d like to call it e.g. after 28 minutes, then after 33, then after 25, then after 34, etcetc you get the point.

Is that possible? Does a config yaml support dynamic values for predefined parameters like scan_intercal?

Thanks in advance!