Would like to set scan_interval for 2x BLE sensors temp/humidity + 2x smart socket. They’re spamming in database. I have tried adding scan_interval in core.entity_registry but it’s not working.
Any advice?
Would like to set scan_interval for 2x BLE sensors temp/humidity + 2x smart socket. They’re spamming in database. I have tried adding scan_interval in core.entity_registry but it’s not working.
Any advice?
Don’t do that. They are not meant to be user editable files.
Scan interval only applies to polled entities (HA goes and asks the entity for an update every x seconds).
Your BLE sensors may be pushing data to Home Assistant as and when they see fit. Home assistant has no control over this.
Which integration are you using to get your BLE sensors into Home Assistant?
I’m using integration - Xiaomi Gateway 3
Weird one - ZigBee plug is also pushing data little too much.
Data just from temperature for 2 BLE sensors and 2x ZigBee power plugs flooding my database like 10 megabytes per day or more.
Ok that integration is local push, not polled.
So unless you can throttle it in the gateway settings there’s not much you can do.
This is actually mentioned integration:
So you are not using the core integration?
What is mentioned?
Yes. I’m not using core integration. It doesn’t work with Aqara Wireless Switches