Scanning media players

I using the Russound Rio integration to control my mca-88. Everything works if the mca-88 is powered up when Homeassistant boots, but the zones from the mca-88 don’t appear when Homeassistant boots with the mca-88 turned on. Is there a way to force re-scanning for media players? I want to trigger a scan a minute or so after the mca-88 gets turned on.


So I killed a fly with a sledgehammer, but it worked…

I added an automation that triggers when the MCA-88 is turned on. It sleeps for 45 seconds to let the Russound boot up and then calls “Home Assistant Core Integration: Restart” which is just equivalent to restarting Home Assistant. It is definitely more than is needed, but I could not find a way to just restart the Russound Rio integration. I’m definitely open to suggestions on how to improve my solution, as it is less than elegant. That said, it WORKS! Don’t knock it if you cannot improve it.

The Russound Rio integration has a new lease on life with an active and very helpful maintainer! After the recent updates, I was able to just restart the service after waiting 90 seconds in my automation to scan the zones instead of restarting everything. The pause is so the MCA-88 has time to boot up.