Scary message after update. Advice please

Updated to 2023.5.0.

After restarting HAOS I got this repair message.

{reference} is a filesystem with the name 'hassos-data' and is not the active data disk. This can cause Home Assistant to choose the wrong data disk at system reboot.

Use the fix option to rename the filesystem to prevent this. Alternatively you can move the data disk to the drive (overwriting its contents) or remove the drive from the system.

I’m running on an Intel NUC with data transferred to an NVMe using the built in data transfer function.

I did not do the repair, a bit confused. It had not complained prior to this update.

I have the same message.
Is there a solution?

I finally clicked submit when I got no responses here. All worked fine. Message hasn’t come back so it probably fixed something that wasn’t quite right.

manifestly it doesn’t fix anything, the system crash after first reboot, i have installed 5 times the OS but after rebooting it crash.

So the way HAOS works is it looks for a filesystem on an attached device with the name hassos-data and assumes that is the data disk. This is problematic if you say plug in an old drive you used to use as the data disk on an old Home Assistant device. Because then there are two filesystems with the name hassos-data and you technically have a race condition at startup.

The fix simply renames the one which isn’t currently being used as the data disk to something else. The data isn’t touched on either and as long as your system is currently working well it will continue to work well (since that means it picked the right one at startup of the two options).

The only risk I suppose if you had removed the data disk from one HA device, plugged it in to another another temporarily and were intending to bring it back to the original device. Probably a rare edge case that doesn’t apply here but if it does you should just physically remove the device from the machine rather then renaming it.

EDIT: Also the {reference} bit is a bug. I guess there was an issue with the translations. Will be fixed soon (Fix reference string in data disk repair by mdegat01 · Pull Request #93220 · home-assistant/core · GitHub)