Scene transition issue


I’m trying to build a “go to bed” script for our toddler. Goal is to switch on some hue/living-color lights to a certain scene (works) and to transition to a scene that has these lights off over 30 minutes afterwards. This works for one of the lights but the other one turns off completely after some seconds. Transitions on their own work for both of the lights through light.turn_off.

The script I’m using is:

  alias: Einschlafen
  - service: switch.turn_on
    data: {}
    entity_id: switch.szene_schlafzimmer
  - service: scene.turn_on
      transition: 900
    entity_id: scene.szene_schlafzimmer_aus

and the corresponding scene is:

- id: '1604953375562'
  name: Szene Schlafzimmer Aus
    light.hue_schlafzimmer_top: 'off'
    light.hue_schlafzimmer_moo: 'off'

(I already stripped that scene down from what HA UI recorded, the result is all the same.)

Does anyone have an idea?

Thanks in advance!

put 2 spaces in front of entity_id for the transition data section.