When a Light is off and i use scene.turn_on, the Light first loads their last State, before the Scene is applied.
That leads to nasty flickering. E.g. The light was on with max Brightness before turned off. If next Time i call scene.turn_on, and the scene has a minimal Brightness, it first flashes (last State of the Light), and then goes to Minimum.
If i use light.turn_on with Brightness/Color-Settings, it directly turns on with those Values.
How can i turn on a Light with Scene, without having it first flashing the last State of the Light?
Master of creepy workarounds here.
You could turn it on with lowest brightness then turn_on the scene.
I know it is crap but it works around your issue.
Maybe someone with a better idea will pass by and say hello.
Hahaha Nice one
That would maybe solve some Situations (what about e.g. Colored Lights?) I will give it a shot, but - I can’t imagine i am the first who wants to use Scenes and stumbled across that Behavior.
Therefore, still hoping for a technically cleaner Solution
Thanks anyway!
By the way, i highly doubt you can claim that title easily
That’s how the firmware of most color lights is designed to behave. Upon
turning on, it immediately applies its previous characteristics. Then it applies whatever new characteristics may have been supplied.
One way to avoid the momentary transition, from previous to new, is to use the light’s native scene (not Home Assistant’s scene). For example, Philips Hue lights (and other brands of ZigBee lights) can have numerous scenes programmed into the light itself. When you activate a light’s native scene, the light instantly uses the scene’s characteristics (i.e. no momentary transition from previous to new).
Another alternative is provided by LIFX lights. They allow you to set the light’s characteristics while it’s off (lifx.set_state). So when the light turns on it instantly applies the characteristics that were set when it was off.