Scenes aren't turning on the lights

Hello everyone,

I created some scenes to turn on the light (with a specific color and brightness).
When I activate the scene (call service => scene.turn_on) the lights are correctly changing on the dashboard, but aren’t turning on.

The state on the dashboard is different from the real one.

I used the GUI to create the scenes, therefore I guess the config is right.

What should I do?


First thing I wonder is if your bulbs support the call method.

Have you tried going to developer tools, services and using the service ‘light turn on’ and setting several values (as per your script) and then calling the service to see if the bulb responds to all the requests correctly and if it doesn’t, do you get any errors?

It works, but I can’t set the color and the brightness at the same time.
I need to call the service twice. Is it normal?

Depends on the bulb I believe. So using an automation may be the way to go here.