Scenes breaking midway through activation

Hi! Hopefully this is the right place to post this.

I’ve been configuring a dockerized Home Assistant on a Raspberry PI 4 for the past few days and can’t seem to fix a problem I’m having: any scene I create will only activate partially, that is the lights will only slightly change color before giving up.

I’ve tried activating scenes through the web dashboard, through the mobile app and through Node-RED. All result in the same mish-mash of colors between the original light settings and the scene settings.

Clicking “activate” 50 times will eventually get me somewhere close to the actual light settings (that is, every click seems to more or less “continue” the transition).

The lights are all connected through a Philips Hue hub, so my main suspicion is that the Hue hub is somehow interfering with the scene change but I have no idea how to check that.

I’ve set the default logger level to “DEBUG” but I’m not really getting anything in the logs.

I have no idea where to go from here. Do you have any ideas what could be borked here?

No code, no fun :wink:

Please post the relevant scene from your /config/scenes.yaml

Sure thing! Here it is:

- id: '1624439444288'
  name: Party Time (Living Room)
      min_mireds: 250
      max_mireds: 454
      - colorloop
      - random
      - color_temp
      - hs
      color_mode: hs
      brightness: 255
      - 215.727
      - 86.275
      - 34
      - 124
      - 255
      - 0.146
      - 0.134
      effect: none
      friendly_name: Living room big light
      supported_features: 63
      state: 'on'
      - onoff
      color_mode: onoff
      friendly_name: Decorative lights
      supported_features: 40
      state: 'on'
      min_mireds: 250
      max_mireds: 454
      - colorloop
      - random
      - color_temp
      - hs
      color_mode: hs
      brightness: 255
      - 351.77
      - 88.627
      - 255
      - 29
      - 60
      - 0.665
      - 0.29
      effect: none
      friendly_name: Living room small light
      supported_features: 63
      state: 'on'

Although literally any scene I create refuses to work (this one’s one of about 5).