Scenes in Node-Red

I’ve moved my scenes into Node-Red as I find them easier to build than writing them out in yaml within Home Assistant. Over time, I’ve built quite a few scenes to the point where I’ve got that below. I’ve got switches and links to actual scene flows on different Node-Red tabs. Is there a better way to manage the switch to scene besides this method of adding additional entries into the switch (labeled Which Scene?)? I don’t see a way to add a lable to the link…maybe I’m missing something. If I keep adding more scenes, I’m going to the point where it is unmanageable in HA. Maye I’m already to the point. Right now, when I look at the switch, there’s not an easy way for me to determine which flow goes to which scene.

Appreciate any thoughts.

Link nodes have their labels hidden by default.

To show them, edit the link node, go to Appearance, and change the Label option from Hide to Show.

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Oh wow! Thank you!

Can you share some details about your flow? I’m trying to do the same in my setup.

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Also interested in your flow if you can share.