Scenes randomly lose Zigbee entities

I’ve had a weird bug going on for several weeks now, where a scene will just randomly lose one or more entities, or sometimes it flips an entity’s state from off to on. I did not report this originally because I thought surely I must be doing something wrong, but it’s happened so many times now that I’m sure HA is doing this by itself. I don’t know how to track this down. I do have system backups from each software update, so I could compare those YAML files to find a very coarse time period when the problem occurred. But I don’t know how to diagnose it any more precisely than that. I haven’t been keeping a close log of exactly which entities are being changed but I will start doing that now to see if there’s a pattern.
Last night I noticed 3 issues:

light.bedroom_lamps_group_zha_group disappeared from Bedtime scene

light.floor_lamp_group changed from off to on in Night Light scene

light.neon_sign_light And light.philips_lct016_huelight_2 both changed from off to on in Lights Out scene

I’m running 9.3 with core 2022.12.4 on a Pi 4. I’m the only user, so there’s no chance a roommate was messing with it. I use ZHA integration with Conbee II. All of the entities having the problem so far are Zigbee devices. (Lutron, Wifi, and Bluetooth devices are fine)


I have the same problem.

Some entities are not sent randomly when using a scene.

I also use ZHA integration with Conbee II.

I looked closer at this and found that scenes.yaml file is correct if I open it in a text editor. But the GUI scene editor shows a light in the wrong state. And when I apply that scene, it behaves as shown in the GUI. After restarting Home Assistant, it’s back to normal with the GUI scene editor showing the correct states. How can I debug this issue? I’m not sure how HA works internally… It seems like some bit of memory is getting corrupted after the initial read of the YAML file from disk at startup.

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