Scenes that have color_temp:

Receiving the below errors from any Scenes that have color_temp: under the light config.

[homeassistant.core] Invalid service data for light.turn_on: two or more values in the same group of exclusion ‘Color descriptors’ @ data[]. Got none

Here is an example of Tyler Lights Full working and tyler_lava_lamp_full non-working.

  • name: Tyler Lights Full
    state: on
    brightness: 254
    rgb_color: [255, 178, 67]
    state: on
    brightness: 254
    rgb_color: [255, 178, 67]

  • name: tyler_lava_lamp_full
    state: on
    rgb_color: [104, 215, 172]
    color_temp: 153
    brightness: 132
    state: on
    rgb_color: [104, 215, 172]
    color_temp: 153
    brightness: 132
    state: on
    rgb_color: [160, 223, 116]
    color_temp: 153
    brightness: 154

I don’t think you can have rbg_color and color_temp anymore, check the changes in the latest code via the blog post

removing color_temp: resolved the issue! Thank you!

I was running into the same issue, and found this. In a nutshell, color_temp and rgb_color can no longer be used together. Gotta pick one, or the other (which makes sense).

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