Hi there, i looked around found calender integration and schedule, but sadly , it doesnt help :-/
Problem: i got a job with many different but well defined shift depending working times, so regular automation via scheduling isnt possible.
I would need a schedule manager or presets…
early shift: room 1 temperature from x to y = 20°, from x to y = 16°, room 2 from x to y = 21°
late shift: room 1 temperatur from a to b = 18° … from c to d = 16°, room 2 what so ever…
and then beeing able to assign a preset to days in a calender.
Dezember 1st = early shift,
2nd = late shift
3rd = middle shift
4th = early shift and so on …
any idea how to realise that ?
i know so many professions with such often changing shifts… hard to imagine that i am the first person encouters this problem / wish