Schedule variant day/hours

Hello :slight_smile:

I have home assistant installed on my old raspberry (with mosquitto) to interact with my esp8266.
It works for seeing sensors and enable switches commands.

Now I want to be ables to modify some parameters in my esp programm.
The esp is used to control the heating of the house and i don’t want home assistant to do the logic, only the control.

How can i send the hour/days to my esp (and then read them) to schedule the heating?
Is there a special component or must i use a variant tab? (i see the trigger component, but i thinks it is only used to do the automation in home assistant that I doesn’t want)

I heard about data_template, but i don’t know if it could do the job?

I have several variant to affect :
byte PlanningEtage[10][5]={
{5,0,6,30,0b1111100}, // from 05h00 to 06h30 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday, not Saturday, Not sunday
{8,0,9,0,0b0000011}, // from 08h00 to 09h00 xxxxxSS
{23,15,23,59,0b0010001}, // de 23h15 à 23h59 xxWxxxS
{22,0,22,45,0b1101110}, // de 22h00 à 22h45 MTxTFSx

byte PlanningRDC[10][5]={
{4,45,6,15,0b1111100}, // de 04h45 à 06h15 LMMJVxx
{18,0,22,0,0b1000000}, // de 18h00 à 22h00 Lxxxxxx
{20,0,23,0,0b0111000}, // de 20h00 à 23h00 xMMJxxx
{15,30,22,0,0b1000000}, // de 15h30 à 22h00 xxxxVxx
{6,30,12,15,0b0000011}, // de 06h30 à 12h15 xxxxxSD
{13,15,22,45,0b0000011}, // de 13h15 à 22h45 xxxxxSD

byte PlanningECS[10][5]={
{6,0,7,0,0b1111111}, // de 06h00 à 07h00 LMMJVSD
{18,30,19,45,0b1111111}, // de 18h30 à 19h45 LMMJVSD

//PlageHiver :
byte PlageHiver[4]={1,11,15,4};

Thanks for your idéas :slight_smile: