Scheduled auto-update for Home Assistant

Thanks for the feedback!!

Today I used it for the first time. Updating seems to work fine, but I’d like to receive a notification as well with the updates that are being installed. I use the ‘Pending_updates’ variable that should be available, but it doesn’t show in the notification (I just see the title):

service: notify.pushbullet
  message: "{{ pending_updates }}"
  title: HA updates are being installed

Am I missing something? I trigger the nofication in the ‘Pre-update actions’.

It was changed to “updates_list” at some point. Not sure when.

@EdwardTFN, the blueprint still describe the “pending_updates” and not the “updates_list”.

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I think it was updates_list from the beginning, and for some reason I used something else on the documentation.
I’m sorry about that.

This is how I use that for myself:

service: notify.signal_edward
continue_on_error: true
  message: |-
    List of updates: - {{ updates_list | join(' 

    - ') }}

Later today I will fix the instructions and update the Blueprint.

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A day late, but it’s done!

So, I’ve added support for selecting between “All”, “Patches only” or “Don’t update” for Core items, devices firmware and everything else, so now you can select exactly what you want to update.

Please let me know if you have any issues.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

The code is at the same place on Github:

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Nice on the devices possibility. Have a lot of zigbee bulbs which gets updates.

Have installed and will get back if any issues.

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Nice blueprint !
I’ve got some strange things. The blueprint update Unifi Network addon but I disabled update addons in the automation. Why ?

Also, possible to choose to backup only Core and not all addons etc ? It take more spaces in my VM, so it’s not powerfull to use.

Could you please share the entries in your Logbook related to this automation?

This is possible today, if you select to update only core items…

Update HA déclenché par l'événement 'automation_reloaded'
11:56:22 - Il y a 2 heures
Auto-update Variables: input_backup_bool: False, input_restart_bool: False, input_schedule_monthday: 1, input_update_exclusions: ['update.nas_dsm_update'], input_core_os_update_mode: all, input_firmware_update_mode: ignore, updates_list: ['update.home_assistant_core_update', 'update.inter_echo_show', 'update.unifi_network_application_update'] déclenché par l'automatisation Update HA déclenché par l'événement 'automation_reloaded'
11:56:25 - Il y a 2 heures
Auto-update A new update is available for Home Assistant. déclenché par l'automatisation Update HA déclenché par l'événement 'automation_reloaded'
11:56:25 - Il y a 2 heures
Auto-update List of updates: - Home Assistant Core Update - Inter echo show - UniFi Network Application Update déclenché par l'automatisation Update HA déclenché par l'événement 'automation_reloaded'
11:56:25 - Il y a 2 heures
Auto-update Running pre-update actions... déclenché par l'automatisation Update HA déclenché par l'événement 'automation_reloaded'
11:56:25 - Il y a 2 heures
Auto-update Starting sequence of standard updates... déclenché par l'automatisation Update HA déclenché par l'événement 'automation_reloaded'
11:56:25 - Il y a 2 heures
Auto-update Updating UniFi Network Application Update of ['update.unifi_network_application_update'] ... déclenché par l'automatisation Update HA déclenché par l'événement 'automation_reloaded'
11:56:25 - Il y a 2 heures
Auto-update Starting sequence of core items updates... déclenché par l'automatisation Update HA déclenché par l'événement 'automation_reloaded'
11:56:51 - Il y a 2 heures
Auto-update Updating Home Assistant Core Update of ['update.home_assistant_core_update'] ... déclenché par l'automatisation Update HA déclenché par l'événement 'automation_reloaded'

Same problem, I’ve set just core-items but found in Backup tab that the automation backup also all addons.

I see that. I will have to review the code and maybe add a bit more log.
I come back soon.

I’ve added more logs and removed a session where the blueprint was catching up the remaining updates (as this probably doesn’t make sense anymore with the new filters).
Could you please load the latest blueprint and try again and, if you still seen the same issues, could you please share your Logbook again?

Implemented without any errors. Will report if anything is strange.

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Thank’s a lot! Seems to work :slight_smile:
Last update 2023.3.3 updated without update anothers addons.
To be sure, If I check full-backup, If I only want to auto-update core, the automation only backup the core container ?

Have a nice day!

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No. It always do a full backup.
I will take a look later if I can improve that…

I think it’s possible. Each update service can make a backup. I don’t know how the blueprint work but get all entity and call separately with variable which call backup or not defined by the user.

It’s not that simple…

  1. A firmware update of a remote device would not require a backup of any component in Home Assistant, but would have any case where a firmware represent some component capable to affect Home Assistant (and then a backup should be considered)?
  2. If you are using experimental features in HACS, everything there will generate an update entity. How to define what should be backed up for each component (a custom integration, or a card, or a theme, etc)? Most of the time I don’t have anything other than the update entity itself.
  3. What to backup for each of the core items?
    3.1. Home Assistant Core
    3.2. Home Assistant Supervisor (which is most of the times updated automatically before this automation detects it is available and probably before any backup is done)
    3.3. Home Assistant OS