Scheduled events

I’m new to hass but I’m having trouble wrapping my head around the intended approach for simple scheduled events. If I want to have lights turn on at dusk and off at a specific time (e.g., 10:30pm), it seems like this should be very easy to accomplish. I’ve used a couple other systems and it’s a matter of a few minutes with a GUI to generate the scheduled event for all of my lights. After generating the event, it can be viewed in a graphical way to confirm correct setup (with other HA software).

It appears that the way to generate these events in hass is through the automations.yaml file. If that’s true, then I’m surprised there isn’t a GUI to generate simple automations rather than requiring yaml coding for even basic things.

Can someone provide a simple example (or link to the same) of this dusk/timed off automation? I’m starting to get the hang of things so this would be a very helpful primer!

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It’s in the Cookbook. Examples of sun-based automations are shown here.

That’s the first I’ve heard of the cookbook. Thanks for the link.

It’s amazing how often people seem to not know of its existence…

I think I only went to the docs through the “getting started” link or searching google/the forum.