Scheduler card/custom component

@neliss Sorry for taking so long to respond to your update. I’ve implemented it and it works. Anyhow just wanted to provide feedback in terms of functionality and I think its somewhat similar to what @Merangle is getting at in terms of being able to select an action for a group of entities.

The picture shows what is now in place and you can see I’ve applied the group idea by defining one called ‘all blinds’ for which the ‘Open’ and ‘Close’ actions are defined. What I was thinking of was the ability to use the CTRL key and select multiple items (in this case blinds) and then have the action apply to those that have been selected. The intent is to enable the creation of one scheduled action that then applies to one or more entities (in this case blinds), that would then reduce the total number of schedules to manage. Still loving the scheduler…

Yeah i get your point.
Getting dizzy with all those shutter icons :slightly_smiling_face:

I would like to introduce multiple-entity-select option (because the scheduler-component is prepared for this since day 1).
Just didn’t find the time for it yet.
There are quite some changes I have to make in the card to create this flexibility.

There is no CTRL key on the phone, i will have to find another way to do this.

For the moment this is the best way. :+1:

Ah understand, hadn’t thought of the restriction of the CTRL key on the phone as I do all the setup on my PC. Must admit I can’t think of a situation in which the equivalent applies on a phone :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Long-press to enter selection mode, where any kind of tap selects an item?

Hi, so many new changes/features :slight_smile: What a great version!!!
I installed and tried to change the temperature steps to 1 (instead of 0.5) for the “cool” and “heat” actions with no success. I am sure that I am missing something. Below is the code:

                        type: 'custom:scheduler-card'
                        title: false
                        discover_existing: false
                          - '[[my_climate_entity]]'
                              - SET PRESET
                              - SET MODE
                            name: ''
                              - service: set_temperature
                                  field: temperature
                                  step: 1

Without the “actions:” section, I gate the following action list:
Following adding the “actions:” section, the “SET TEMPERATURE” actions is being added to the action list (it was not there before) and the temperature gauge for the “cool” and “heat” still steps in 0.5 instead of 1.
What am I missing?
Thanks a lot!

Hi @Motti_Bazar :slight_smile:

You missed a small detail.
Try this:

  - service: set_temperature
    service_data: {hvac_mode: heat}
      field: temperature
      step: 1
  - service: set_temperature
    service_data: {hvac_mode: cool}
      field: temperature
      step: 1

The reason is that the ‘cool’ and ‘heat’ actions are not just setting the temperature. They also set the thermostat in the correct operation mode.
So you will have to tell the card which action you mean to change exactly.
I could change it such that your code would result into changing all versions of the set_temperature action.
But currently it will only match actions that have the same service + service_data.

1 Like

Yup, it works :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot for this wonderful card!
Now the only thing I need to find is a simple way to tell the card to send another command for the “off”. I will continue playing with the presets… or maybe you have another idea?

BTW, I am using the name="" option so that the entity will not be displayed on the list (you added this option in one of the latest versions and it worked). Now it is showing:
Can you please fix and remove the ": " in the beginning of the line? Thanks a lot!

This should do the job for you:

      - service: set_preset_mode
        service_data: {preset_mode: timeroff}

If needed you can hide the other ‘set preset’ action. It shouldn’t interfere anymore…

Check out the new display_options configuration.
You can choose to hide the entity name in the list, you don’t have to leave the name empty anymore.

Last update done but the memory problem remains

Yes, I confirm. I started a new problem. The original was closed.

Good morning :slight_smile:
The preset customization works on the UI side, will need to verify operation with my controller.
Regarding the “display_options”, it works partially for me. The code:


The results:
The entity name is presented on the list even though I defined that only the action be presented.
What am I doing wrong?

Code again:

                              primary_info: '{action}'
                              secondary_info: '{days}{time}'


Works find for me :+1:
Don’t know why you have different result.
Make sure to refresh?

I must say all texts are capitalized… Maybe i should change that.

I refreshed and it still provides me with the same issue…
Do you have a suggestion what to try in order to isolate this?

Furthermore, if I do Add–>Cool–>Next–>Save (sets cool to daily at noon), I get the following:
The second line is missing.

Maybe it is a behavior that comes out of the specific settings that I am using?
I am adding the card code:

                        type: 'custom:scheduler-card'
                        title: false
                        discover_existing: false
                          - '[[my_climate_entity]]'
                              - SET PRESET
                              - SET MODE
                              - TURN OFF
                                - '{action}'
                                - '{days}{time}'
                              - service: set_preset_mode
                                name: Turn AC Off
                                icon: 'mdi:hvac-off'
                                  preset_mode: timeroff
                              - service: set_temperature
                                  hvac_mode: heat
                                  field: temperature
                                  step: 1
                              - service: set_temperature
                                  hvac_mode: cool
                                  field: temperature
                                  step: 1

Thanks a lot for helping resolve this!

This is due to a bug in the translations in HA itself.
If you switch language, chances are that you will suddenly see the time again.
I implemented a workaround for this bug in v1.9.2, looks like you are not running this version yet.

Regarding your other problem: read the docs…
display_options is not a property in customize.
It applies to the whole card.

I am running v1.9.2…
I will continue working on the display_options issue and will update.

Update: Following changing the display_options settings, it’s working. Absolutely amazing card!!!