Scheduler card/custom component

Im going to need a little help:

I installed everything as the guide, so HACS, restart, Integration, then the card.

The card is displaying fine, I can select my switches, lights, etc…, but when clicking the Save button I get the error that the scheduler/add service does not exist!

Any ideas?

Also for @hynack

Make sure you actually follow the instructions.

Step 3: Add integration

In HA, go to Configuration > Integrations. In the bottom right corner, click on the big button with a ‘+’.

If the component is properly installed, you should be able to find the ‘Scheduler integration’ in the list.

Select it, and the scheduler integration is ready for use.

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Make sure to reboot too.

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Uninstalling and reinstalling card and component fixed it.

Just curious, if you have a robot vacuum, what service do you call to start it? (Only one choice per each vacuum you have)

  • vacuum.start
  • vacuum.start_pause
  • vacuum.turn_on
  • vacuum.toggle
  • vacuum.send_command
  • Other (please put in PM/reply)

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For me it is xiaomi_miio.vacuum_clean_zone :see_no_evil:
But the Xiaomi integration is not the best in HA, in my opinion in shouldn’t need custom services.

Do you still get a vacuum.*** entity? Do the buttons work on the popup you get when you click on it?

For me now everything looks perfect. Looks perfect because the card with the functionality is there, but it doesn’t fire the action. The switch doesn’t turn on nor off while with a normal on/off button it does. For now I haven’t figured out what goes wrong…

What do you mean? It’s meant to go on a schedule. The switch just enables/disables the schedule.

Indeed. The switch doesn’t fire on the schedule. Don’t mind the picture. Just to demonstrate that the Installation itself went ok.

You seem to be unlucky, but I’m sure we can improve things for you.
The screenshot you shared is helpful, but could you also share a screenshot of the entity registry in HA showing the switch.schedule_xxxxxx entities?
They should hold all the info related to the action that will be executed when the timer expires.
Btw: there is also a scheduler.test service, which you could use to test the action (simulating the firing of the timer). Perhaps it’s worth a try?
Ofcourse something could be wrong with the switch devices themselves, but I assume this is not the case.
And to be 100% clear: all your schedules should have their toggle switch to ON, or they will not do anything.

So what I did last night a made a small test setup with a sonoff switch. A normal button card to test the switch (it works flawlessly) and the scheduler card with a schedule. As said the switch doesn’t fire on schedule (btw I have rebooted and refreshed a lot :sweat_smile:). Herewith the setup and the foto you asked for:

What about the entities tab of Developer Tools with the schedule?

Not sure if you mean this:

Can you scroll down in the table until you find the detailed scheduler stuff? There’s a search dialog below that chooser popup.

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I assume this. Btw where/how can I run the scheduler.test?

Under the services tab, choose the scheduler.test service.

I have tried to run the test:

Nothing seems to happen. No response on the Call Service button.

Btw I appreciate your patience. I am on HA for less then 2 weeks :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. A lot to learn…

I think the switch should actually be the switch.scheduler_****** one.

Hurray!! That works. The switch fired :+1: