Scheduler card/custom component

Both the in and off schedule worked. But what does that tell me? A disconnect between the card and the integration?

Further investigations.

Delete works: the schedule entities disappear
Create a new works as well.

However looking at the next scheduled trigger it’s 24+1 hr later then I expected :thinking:

According the trigger it states 13 September 13:30 + 01:00.

So 2 issues. Why and extra day between creation and trigger and why 1 extra hour ??

The “+01:00” just means timezones.

Yes. The problem is solved. I search the code and it fits the nearest time-point. So I had my time zone in HA set to Europe/Lisbon (location of my house) which is +4 hrs from where I am at the moment. So the nearest time point would be tomorrow at the set time. That’s what I saw! By correcting the time zone to my current location it triggers on the exact time here locally. :sweat_smile:

But when I went through the source code I have only the option for “switch”. Thermostat, Light, Fan and whatever else doesn’t exist there… In the clip there are many more options to chose from…

How does that work ?

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Do you have those set up? Here’s my card config:

      - service: turn_off
      - service: turn_on
          field: brightness
      - service: turn_off
      - service: turn_on
      - switch.kendell_s_humidifier
      - light.humidifier_light
      - switch.kendell_s_humidifier
    icon: air-humidifier
    name: Humidifier
type: 'custom:scheduler-card'

Read the docs.

Good that you solved it!
Setting the timezone correctly is indeed very crucial with this integration.

The entities that show up are related to the ones you have in HA.
‘Out of the box’ you should see light/switch/climate/fan/cover entities, but only if you actually have these types in HA.

If you are missing stuff, please let me know.
The idea is that the card should have a basic set of entities and actions in place, to get you going.
I like feedback from fresh users!

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My next challenge actually is a
Temp based switch. I control my heat pumps and pool pump by temperature sensors.

So actually a lot is the same. Select switch, select on/off, select days of the week and then select temperature, set above or below as trigger.

Sounds so simple but it will take me a while to get that one done…

Thanks for the support👍

This is really shiny, cheers. Should really be a core function. Would definitely love to see an interface with bars like tado/netatmo.

I have a couple of other suggestions if I may:

  • Being able to change the title per card would be nice, but an option to hide the title entirely would be useful too, so that we can combine it with vertical-stack-in-card to stack a few schedules together in an order that suits the users.
  • Speaking of order, the ability to sort/rearrange schedules would be neat too. By entity, (first) day of week and start time perhaps? Would need to be able to sort by multiple criteria for this to be truly useful.

Hi and thanks :slightly_smiling_face:
Most of your suggestions are already planned to be added in one of the next releases (1 or 2 weeks).

Regarding the sorting:

  • Currently sorting is FIFO, so schedules appear in order of creation. I agree that this may not be preferrable for some/most users.

  • I would like to first add support for having multiple actions within a single schedule (e.g. a weekly schedule with the bar view as you mentioned). I am hoping that this would help to reduce the length of schedules list. Maybe it already solves the problem, maybe not.

  • I have been thinking about a drag&drop option to sort the list as you like. Main disadvantages are:
    a) It is not in-line with other HA cards, i haven’t seen such UI in for example the entities card. Don’t know if will be very intuitive.
    b) It requires storage of your list order. I don’t like to add it as property to the schedule entities, as the information is only for representation.

  • I have been thinking about upgrading the view to show only the remaining time + action for the next event per schedule. I think it scales better (especially with the weekly view), you can always click on the item to see the complete config. Having this in place, a next step could be to order chronologically (so soonest event goes on top).

  • I also have been thinking of introducing grouping (similar to the grouping when creating a new entry) in the overview. Would be nice for large configs, but very bad for small configs.

  • Adding a yaml config for user-configurable sorting key is always an option, but I’d prefer making the right choice here (which means the most intuitive choice).

Curious about your input!

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@claudegel @ASNNetworks
Could you update the card to v1.2.8?
After updating, you should be able to see the detected language in the console log of your browser.
It should look like this:
I would like to know if your language is detected properly. If not, then the problem could be caused by HA, and I might need to find a workaround.

@ASNNetworks @hjbotha
With v1.2.8 comes the ability to customize the card title.

In v1.2.8 I added a display of the current value next to the slider.


Did you get the scheduler working in the meantime?
It might be that the problem is caused by the sun platform missing from your HA config. Currently it is a dependency of both the card and custom_component. Unfortunately there is no error message printed if it is missing.

Hi, just updated and but no language detection. I also uninstalled and installed back. This is from console:

Version: 1.2.8
Language: null

@peterw35 Also check that you installed the Scheduler from the integrations page. That fixed the error for me.

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Hey FrozenDevl thanks for the tip!

I didn’t know I need to install the Scheduler from the integrations page (did I missed reading it from the setup instruction or it was something assumed?)

But the card now saves a new schedule! I’ll test it tonight to see if schedule actually fires :smiley:

Hi, I installed the scheduler card and component via HACS, and verified that the component files are under custom_components.

I restarted HA (several times). But when I go to the integrations page to add the integration, it does not show up in the list of available integrations. Am I missing something?

Clear your cache

Thanks, that worked!

But yikes, that is the last thing I would have thought of. Is it a HA bug that requires the cache to be cleared before new integrations show up?

Yeah, it might have worked just to close the browser and reopen it or just refresh the page.

Well if you get some spare time to add single automations that self delete after trigger that would be ace.

Intuitive is always best indeed.

I think thermostat makers have a lot of experience in this area, so taking some cues/inspiration from them makes sense. Of course traditional thermostat UIs have been really simple with linear and sensible, but long-winded flows. Some of it might make sense though, so how about something like this?

For each grouping of days, list the schedules chronologically. e.g. Weekdays would show a list, while weekends would show a different list. If you have a schedule that applies on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, that’s a list.

I realise this would potentially end up being a lot of different lists, but this would at least allow you to do some chronological sorting and even implement bars.

The way I personally would use this is to configure a card to:

  • Show me only schedules in a particular domain or list of entities (e.g. climate)
  • Group them by enabled days

For me I would have Monday - Thursday, Friday (because we get up at normal time but stay up later), Satuday (get up late, go to bed late) and Sunday (get up late, go to bed early), so 4 groups.

With my current dumb thermostat I have 7 groups, so 4 is a decent improvement, plus they’ll all be visible on a single screen without me having to press a million buttons to change the set point for Satuday evenings.

When I want to change my schedule for lights, I would switch to a card which shows me the light domain, where things might be displayed the same, or differently.

The new update fixed the language, great work!