Scheduler card/custom component

This is amazing! Hopefully HA integrates this natively, great work!

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I created a translation of cs.json on GitHub. What should I do next to add it to the scheduler.
Create pull request ?

Hello help me please !

I try to install twice schudeler component and scheduler card but itā€™s doesnā€™t work.

I reinstall HA completely but the result is the same.

When configure the card ans save i have a tous message :

Echec call service scheduler/add. Service not find.

Do you have solution ?


Thanks for making a Czech translation of the card. I will add it in the next release.

Did you follow the installation steps?
Also the last one?

Are you using a translator? Try a better one:
Anyway, you need to go to the integrations page of HA under configuration, and add the scheduler.

yes I followed the recommendations of the installation under HACS.
I looked in development tools, service and I did not find:

Restart? Can you take screenshots of every step of installation and post them here?

Yes I did it under HACS

I am under 0.116.4.
the installation of both components went well under HACS. I have to restart after installation

I donā€™t think I can use a light group because in my case for these lights, Iā€™m using smart switches and you canā€™t use switch entities in the light domain.

Iā€™ll make a FR on GitHub as itā€™s the only way this could work if you support it (with caveat like you said of ensuring the group is all consistent with contained entities)

Iā€™ve written to the Habu Casa team in a support ticket outlining the issue and asking for wildcard filtering. Weā€™ll see :crossed_fingers:

Well you can alias the switches to lights in the configuration.yaml, at least thatā€™s what I do with my smart plugs I have lamps attached toā€¦

Tell me more!

Hereā€™s what mine looks like. Actually 2 plugs and two wall switchesā€¦

  - platform: switch
    name: TV Lamp
  - platform: switch
    name: Couch Lamp
    entity_id: switch.couch_lamp                               
  - platform: switch
    name: Family Room Ceiling
    entity_id: switch.family_room_ceiling
  - platform: switch
    name: Front Entry
    entity_id: switch.front_entry

Thanks! Are the corresponding Light entities created now just a 1:1 mirror on the original switch names or is there a way to configure the alias? I didnā€™t see it in the help docs so assuming no. So your light aliases are:

Iā€™ve got my entities like switch.front_door_light, so itā€™ll annoy me as light.front_door_light due to the repitition in of the word ā€œlightā€, but switch.front_door wonā€™t make sense so iā€™ll have to live with it.

I believe it uses whatever you have for "nameā€™, hereā€™s another one I have, this one the light entity is ā€˜light.mantle_lampā€™ even though the switch entity is something different. Hope this helps.

  - platform: switch
    name: Mantle Lamp
    entity_id: switch.miniplug1

I donā€™t want you to create extra entities in HA for scheduler card.
Would rather proceed with the FR for group entities.
It shouldnā€™t take that much effort, and would help others as well.

I got the aliasing to work and using the new light group with your scheduler card. In general Iā€™d agree not to need to create mew entities just for scheduler card but I think there are other benefits here of doing it this way as my guess is many people would want the switch to actually be a light as it makes other integrations simpler. For me, I was juggling switches and lights which made things confusing for me and error prone.

Hello, I think I missed something but where is the slider to activate or not the scheduler ?

Capture dā€™Ć©cran 2020-10-19 Ć  09.06.19

Iā€™m trying to add my phone sensors to use them as conditions, for example:


Unfortunately I canā€™t get it to show up in my list. Could anyone point me in the right direction?

Since release v1.7.3 the switches are replaced to show remaining time instead.
Now you can tap+hold an item to disable/enable it.
Last week there was a vote on whether people liked this improvement, most people prefered the old situation.
Thats why v1.8.0 will revert this change.

You will have to define the states ranges for sensors (the entity does not have any property showing the min/max values for sensors).
Its all written down here.