Scheduler card/custom component

You lost me there?
Where should be customize: located? Can you please give me code example?
ex sensor: sensor.in2023_battery_state with the possible states on and off.
Thank you

This should be added to your card config:

    states: ['on','off']

If you use UI editing mode, then make sure to use YAML editor for this.

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In translation into Czech, the add item is the ADD ITEM button. In Czech, it consists of two words 6 + 7 letters. Will it not extend beyond the frame? Should I shorten the translation to 6 letters ADD before adding it in the next update?

This is how my lovelace-ui looks like.

  - id: scheduler1  
    icon: mdi:clock-outline
    name: Test
      - type: custom:scheduler-card
        discover_existing: false
        standard_configuration: true
            states: ['on','off']
          - name: "Lights"
            icon: ceiling-light
              - light

I get the lights in the group, but under CONDITIONS I gat a grayed out No conditions yet

Don’t worry :slightly_smiling_face:
I will try to release the next version today, so you can see the result.
If you don’t like it, we can always make changes.

Try clicking the ‘add’ button underneath.

There’s nothing available.

Ah cool, you have Nanoleaf lights :+1:
Please also add:


To your card. Only included entities/domains will show up.
Perhaps i should change this though :slight_smile:

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Sweet, thank you. Good that I picked my nanoleaf for this example.

Hi so I noticed some UI issues. This happens when selecting different days. It’s very confusing and impossible to tell what is on or off after pressing multiple times. You see not only black highlight but also grey/light highlight. See gif below:

Do other notice this as well? I only have this bug within this card.

That is skin related.
Your primary color is similar to the background.
On the default dark skin looks OK

That’s not the issue. I can see the buttons highlighted in black just fine (which indeed is same as my primary color). There is a glitch that shows a lighter highlight, which is confusing because then you have off (transparent) on (primary color) but suddenly also a lighter color highlight.

I suspect this is a UI bug when tapping the icon, it’s highlighted but somehow sticks.

Now that you mention, there is a fade out effect that sticks until I click away.

Yes, it’s due to the hover styling that’s inside the code. I have edited the code within the .js file and replaced them with none !important which is a little better. I hope this card gets theme options someday (or I’ll see if I can get it to work with card-mod) :smiley: !

Release v1.8.0
This update focuses mainly on internal improvements.
A lot has been changed to make things more flexible, but hopefully this transition will be smooth sailing for you.

A couple of changes worth mentioning:

Return of the toggle switches
Last week you voted in favor of bringing back the toggle switches in the overview page.
So I changed back the layout to the original style.
The schedules will still be sorted by remaining time, and this is displayed in the description, to make a best-of-both-worlds solution.
I cleaned up the description display, let me know if you like it or you are missing some stuff.

Layout changes
The styling of the card is improved (mostly the buttons), to match better with other Lovelace cards.
The changes are subtle, but will be noticeable. Hope you guys like it.

Improved climate support
After checkingthe HA documentation, I realized that the original set temperature action was not working well with all thermostats, since the hvac_mode should be set as well.
Now there will be a heat action (and cool action if your thermostat supports it), which should take care of both actions. I recommend using it.

Improved customization
I noticed that a lot of users had troubles with customizing the card to their liking.
In some cases the customization was ignored due to a bug, which is now taken care of.
Also, you will be able to hide actions from the standard configuration (in case you never will use them).
But more about that later…

Hope you guys like it. :slight_smile:


This update is not working properly for me.
I see a few issues:

  • the remaining time is not updating
  • I have two schedules. One enabled, one disabled. If I create another one and then delete it, the one that is disabled gets the name of the deleted entry (and it’s toggle switches back to on). See here:
  • after a schedule triggers it gets untoggled, but it’s not getting greyed out as in disabled. See here:

    You see also in this last recording after I create the new schedule “Bathroom Downstairs Heat to 18C” that the “Bedroom Heat to 22C” has toggle off and incorrect name “Living Heat to 21C”, but it’s active. If I edit a schedule and close it, it gets displayed correctly.

There are surely some interesting things but we can’t do anything more…

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Same problem. Nothing can be added. I returned version 1.7.5 and everything is back

My Master Bedroom Ceiling Fan has separate commands for speed and on/off. So if it turns on, it turns on at the last speed it was at.

Wondering the best way to set fan speed to low, as well as turn it on. Are my options:

  1. 2 schedules: one for fan speed, the another for turning on?
  2. 1 schedule: calling a script that sets the speed and turns on

What are options are there?

What if you set the speed, without turning it on?

Interesting suggestion… just tried this but exposed unexpected set of “Undefined” everywhere:

Is this because I have to do manual customization to define the fan speeds? I expected, perhaps incorrectly, that due to the Fan being integrated through a supported Integration (Bond) this would all be abstracted and supported.

For example, if I look the entity up it shows the states for fan speed:

Assuming I had to customize, I tried this customization:

    - service: fan.set_speed
      name: Set speed test
        field: speed
        name: Fan speed test
          - value: 'off'
          - value: low
          - value: medium
          - value: high

I then didn’t get any fan speeds shown… screen cap:

But even with the fan speeds not shown within my “Fan speed test” customization, it doesn’t look like the right path because there already is a fan speed option auto exposed. Even when I tried to set the name of my customization to be identical to see if ti would override, it didn’t. It created a second one.