Scheduler card/custom component

Well then upgrade.

I installed the 1.82 on the 1.7x and now the 1.83 for the same result

Reload, bump the version number, ctrl+shift+r. What shows in the browser console? What version?

  • See above. Done.
  • Changing PCs: done
  • Change of browser : done (Chrome, Firefox, last versions)
  • Uninstallation: done
  • Reboot HA: done
  • Component and card installation: done
  • Reboot HA: done
  • Home Assistant 0.116.4

What version shows up in the browser console?image

Thanks, it’s working now!

edit: sort of. It still won’t show the schedule unless i have discover_existing set to true, even though I have the entity included…

Those consoles ?

Seems like the card broke when trying to calculate the list of entities to choose from for UI editor.
Specifically in this little contraction:

    const entityList = Object.values(this.hass.states)
      .filter(e => !IsSchedulerEntity(e.entity_id))
      .map(e => entityConfig(e, { include: ["*"] }))
      .filter(e => e && e.actions.length) as EntityElement[];

Apparently there is an entity in your config but without actions.
I will work on a fix for this. I will let you know when I found the time to do it.
I would assume that you can still use the card but only in YAML mode. Since this error is specific to the UI editor.

It is not possible to know which entity is involved?

@neliss Do you think it makes sense to add an option for a toggle to enable or disable an entire card?
For example, if you disable autodiscovery for that card, you create a set of schedules, and you have a single option to disable all of those schedules.

I find it useful if you create sets of schedules and you want to enable or disable them based on certain scenarios or conditions (“enable guest rooms climates when you have guests” for example).

I think it’s already there. Try reading the docs.

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Well you can add show_header_toggle: true and you will get a ‘master’ switch on the top.
Same as with the HA entities card.

I don’t mean to keep secrets… Its just that I didn’t find the time to document stuff properly, between all the bug hunting…

I would like to know as well!
If you can add some console.log statements before and after the line that fails, we could figure out.
But from here it is hard to figure out.

Great! I will give it a shot a bit later.
I was reading the docs as @KTibow indicated but could not find it.


Which version was the header toggle added?

The friendly name is also what can tell us what a schedule contains. Why not make it appear on the card?

I could show friendly name instead of the action.
But I wonder if everyone would prefer it that way…

Following the structure of HA, an entity can have a primary and secondary line.
I can add all sorts of details, but it would become messy quite quickly.
Ideally I give the user choice, but this takes extra effort (and time)

I think, and it seems logical, that the freindly_name should appear. It’s the only way to know what this schedule is for.


Room / week
Room / sunday


Well I wouldn’t expect people to put the days in the friendly name.
This info is stored in the entity so I could display it as well. But I noticed that it could become quite a long text.
My assumption was: you want to see what will happen and when.
For more info, you can click on the item and you can see all details.
Why would ‘sejours semaine’ be better info than ‘set the heater to 19C’?
I would prefer to see the action.
I thought friendly_name was more intended for being able to identify the entity outside of the card.
But I guess, as I said, this is all a matter of taste…


After that it depends on tastes and uses. I think it should be possible to activate the display of the friendly name on the card (or just an option that can be activated in yaml).

My workday: is configured so that Saturdays are considered working days.

So in this configuration my WEEKEND includes only Sundays and holidays.

So if in a schedule I choose WEEKEND, this schedule should only apply to Sundays and holidays.

But when I apply a schedule to the weekend it starts on Saturday…

no ?

- platform: workday
  country: FRA
  workdays: [mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat]
  excludes: [sun, holiday]


(Samedi = Saturday)