Scheduler card/custom component

Thanks for the speedy fix! It’s working now when creating a new schedule, however, it’s still missing when you try to edit an existing schedule.

well I think it’s clear that there is something wrong in the schedule entity as it doesn’t reference the entity with the switch prefix. Though I’m not sure how this happened. This schedule was up and running for some time.

entries: 0DT1110A0
- service: switch.turn_off
  entity: pool_1

next_trigger: 2020-10-21T11:10:00-05:00
friendly_name: Schedule #dabf00
icon: mdi:calendar-clock

It’s indeed related to this.
In v2.1.0 of the scheduler-component I changed quite some things, including the format of storing actions.

But my intention was to keep the card compatible with the old format (the information did not change).
So I messed up here. I would rather make a change to support the old format as it should be.

Ok, that’s fine, I’m also fine with recreating this schedule, it was really only a test schedule I’ve had since I Installed the card anyways. But I felt there was something wrong so I wanted to bring it up in case it was affecting others. .

Your card/component works great! But i have one question, can i select 2 entities at the same time for the same action?

Try making a group

I have a problem on another site or nothing appears. I have of course reinstated without success…

Not yet. But i want to add this functionality (as long as they have the same type).


@Canaletto what do the browser logs say?
A white screen doesn’t tell me much either…

Same result, Firefox or Chrome on new computer

It means that the configuration of the card does not find any entity whereas it was ok on this installation before 1.8.

Ah you mean the schedules list is empty.
Then it probably has to do with your card config.
Which entities are involved in your schedules and which did you include in the card?

There is no schedule defined (I removed them before installing 1.8) and this happens when I want to create a card.

I just saw that the component had disappeared from the integrations. I reinstalled the component and added it to the integration, but nothing, when I want to create a card it doesn’t offer me any entity.

You have installed 1.8.2 ?

Are there any plans for a single one off schedule rather that a daily, weekly etc.

I.E. Power on the washing machine then the scheduled task is removed.

Last one is there a switch.toggle option

That’s already there. Please bother reading docs.
(Disable automatically after triggering)
Just hit the options button.
And as for the second one, try the scheme view
A toggle button wouldn’t make sense for a scheduler, would it? Think about it.

There is already a switch you can set to disable the schedule after it triggered.
It is a ‘run once’ option.
But it will not remove the schedule automatically, you can enable it back to run it next time.

yeah I saw that but yeah it would be nice to auto delete after running.

Make a feature request on the GitHub.

I found the issue (i think) Should be fixed by updating to v1.8.3

Same to you, please update and try again. Sorry about the inconvenience.
Actually it was caused due to entering script.irrigation_back_zone_1_run as service.
Just irrigation_back_zone_1_run would have been sufficient, since the action is already defined under a script entity.

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yes, on the 1.7x