Scheduler card/custom component

I am a happy user of this integration, but all of a sudden those two unknown programs that make my card ugly have appeared and I can’t find a way to eliminate them. Can you help me? thanks.

I got the same:

Defective schedule entity

Any idea how to get rid of those?

Clear your whole storage by opening .storage and deleting the file. If you’re using Samba, then check “Show hidden files and folders” under View on Windows Explorer to show the .storage folder. If you’re using Configurator, then remove .storage from hidden files/folders in the addon’s config.

Will this remove ALL schedules? Or just the defective one?

All the scheduler…

The error indicates that a schedule is defective, in other words: for some reason the timer is not running.
Such schedule can still be modified by clicking on it.
Deleting your schedules storage file is not a good idea.

I would like to know when such problem occurs (I’ve never seen it), so I can solve this issue.
Please report it on Github if you experience this, and try to share as many details as possible.

i’m getting the error and what i se in log is

Logger: homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection
Source: components/websocket_api/
Integration: Home Assistant WebSocket API (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 2:54:16 AM (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 2:56:17 AM

[139842568859504] Received invalid command: scheduler

This is because you didn’t update the scheduler-component.

it is updated and new installed yesterday

Try rebooting HA as well?

more than once

another reboot when doing some other stuff seems to fixed it… and made no changes to schedule

I have a workday: configured as follows :

- platform: workday
  country: FRA
  workdays: [mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat]
  excludes: [sun, holiday]

Monday to Saturday are working days.

Sunday and Holidays are therefore for the Scheduller days of the Weekend.

And today, Sunday, no actions planned to take place over the Week-End have been launched…

Either I didn’t understand anything about workday: configuration, or the scheduler has a problem.

Moreover, the translation “FIN DE SEMAINE” doesn’t mean anything in France, everyone uses “WEEKEND”.

But since this function is used in association with the component workday: (in the HA sense), wouldn’t it be better to use “Workday ON” and “Workday OFF” for this selector ?

I have a question, can the scheduler turn on/off automations? I’ve been trying to add an automation to the scheduler card with no success.

FWIW, what I want is to disable a sensor at sunrise and enable it at sunset. That sensor is configured via an automation to turn on a light temporarily, so my first thought were to schedule the automation itself.

Does it show up?
Can you save a schedule, but it doesn’t trigger?
What do you mean?

Hi. I’ve a schedule that runs at 23:00 to dim lights in the bedroom. This works fine, but if the lights have already been turned off manually, then it turns them back on again (to their dimmed value).
I wanted to add a condition to only run the schedule if one of the lights is still on, but I can’t seem to add any lights to the conditions at all. I can add sensors, binary sensors, covers, switches, etc. but not lights. Is this an omission?

Yes. The developer of this integration was too lazy to add all.
Currently supported are:

  • alarm_control_panel
  • binary_sensor
  • cover
  • fan
  • input_boolean
  • switch
  • lock
  • person
  • sensor

I can add lights to this list :slight_smile:

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Hello everybody. First of all, thank you very much for this awesome component/card!

I’ve got a question regarding climate and hvac_mode. I use the Max! devices with homegear. The supported hvac_modes of the entity are auto,heat and off. BUT the problem is, as far as I found out, that the change of the hvac-mode only works with the service climate.set_hvac_mode: heat. Otherwise only the temperature changes and not the hvac_mode. Do you think there will be a chance to add this service as well? I would really much appreciate it. Or is there any known work around?

Not sure I understand your question: do you mean that you can’t use the other options for the HVAC mode? If that’s the issue, there’s probably singing wrong with your y’all because it’s working fine on my setup with more options: heat / cool / auto / fan only / off. Check your configuration file, abd don’t forget it’s case sensitive (‘Heat’ is different from ‘heat’)

When you select action ‘heat’ or action ‘cool’, the scheduler will call service set_temperature and sets both the temperature and the hvac_mode.

I noticed that quite some climate integrations don’t have support for changing the hvac_mode through this service (they would simply ignore this parameter), instead you would have to set the temperature and the hvac_mode as 2 separate actions.

This is a problem I cannot easily solve in the scheduler (I cannot detect whether a climate supports this).
I recommend users to keep the climate always in hvac_mode=heat, and only control the temperature setpoint.

I am planning to create a workaround for this, where you can choose to set up 2 separate actions (set_temperature and set_hvac_mode) which will be called in a sequence. It would avoid the need for creating separate time slots both tasks.

I’m only talking about the predefined actions here. To answer your question, you add extra actions through customize. There is an example in the documentation that should give you exactly what you want.