Scheduler card/custom component

As neliss said, the problem is, that my thermostats only accepts the service “climate.set_hvac_mode: xxx”. They can’t handle the service “climate.set_temperature: xxx AND hvac_mode: xxx” as the service in the card does. They change the temperature but not the mode.

Thank you very much for your really quick and very detailed answer.

First l I will try it with the customize option to fix my issue, but would really much appreciate if you could implement the workaround. :slight_smile: Thank you!

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Ok, got it. I didn’t even know that it was possible to change the hvac_mode with the set_temperature service.

I looked further into the defective schedule entity issue. I noticed that there is no trace of the defective timer in .storage/ but only in .storage/core.entity_registry

Is it safe to delete it from .storage/core.entity_registry manually and restart HA?

All scheduler entries are loaded from the file.
The scheduler-card also requests them (via the scheduler-component) from this file.
So, it seems impossible to me that a schedule shows up in the card which is not existing in the storage file.
There is no harm in deleting them, either through UI or through the entity_registry file.
At startup all schedules are loaded + created from the storage file.
It seems that something went wrong in the migration from an old version (v2.11 or older) to the current version.

If you want to help solving this problem, please share some details in this GitHub thread.
Since the issue is likely to be solved once you delete the faulty entities, it would be helpful to keep them for testing purposes.

The recent scheduler and card update detected the defective schedulers and they could be removed!
As usual: excellent work and thank you very much @neliss

@gagga It’s a bit of a workaround since I still don’t understand how schedules can become defective, but I hope it gives a way to recover from it.

In my case it might have been from fiddling around with the entity id before you mentioned in this thread that changing entity ids was not supported. I thought I remove all remains but maybe not…

Hi Neliss,

seems you started a nice project here. Is there somewhere a short overfew whre your project stands? No chance to read the whole thread…
Completely new in HA and got lost on the schedulling side. Have installed Schedy but looking for graphical interface.
Need to control radiator thermostats and want to have different setting sfor different times

Normal heating i. e. 20°C
Normal heating presence i. e. 21°C
Night i. e. normal heating - 3°C (think would be better than a set value)
long pause i. e. normal heating - 6°C

Hi to all,
i’ve installed this component two days ago.
All works fine but i don’t manage to insert family group to conditions.

Here is my cards code:

type: 'custom:scheduler-card'
title: Programmazione
discover_existing: true
standard_configuration: true
  - climate.condizionatore_aria_emma
  - climate.condizionatore_aria_matrimoniale
  - climate.condizionatore_aria_niccolo
  - climate.termo_piano_primo
  - climate.termo_piano_terra
  - climate.termo_taverna
  - group.famiglia
  - input_boolean.welcome_sabrina
  - switch.valvola_fronte_linea_1
  - switch.valvola_fronte_linea_2
  - switch.valvola_goccia_fronte
  - switch.valvola_goccia_retro
  - switch.valvola_retro_linea_1
  - switch.valvola_retro_linea_2
  - switch.valvola_retro_linea_3
  - switch.valvola_retro_linea_4
      - home
      - not_home
      - 'on'
      - 'off'

It shows all except family group :frowning:

Other question:
I’m using this component to on /off my heating.
How have you done to solve hysteresis issue?

Thank in advance,


There’s a GIF on the top of the thread showing this integration in action, and there is documentation.
This component is only meant for controlling your devices with a weekly schedule.
Functionality is kept very basic, so it will probably not satisfy all your needs…

This is probably my fault as I never added support for creating a condition based on a group entity.
Doesn’t mean that it cannot be added though :slight_smile:

PS: you don’t need to define states anymore through customize. this should now be automatic.

very much interested in this as well.
Ideally user would set a certain temperature to be reached at certain time.
Idally reach temperature in time using lowest possible engergy.
Could use values to start heating:

  • temperature in room before starting to heating up (difference current temperature and target temperature)
  • outside temperature
  • given parameters of room like volume, radiator power
  • opening percentage of radiator valve
  • weather forecast
  • heating flow/heating return temperatures and the Delta

Maybe this could help to determine when need to start heating up to reach target temperature at a given time in an economic way as it does not make sense to use full power of heating system to heat up a room super fast. Ideally keep the heating system at an economic operating point.

Thank you so much Neliss just asked a stupid question without searching github first.

I would make a condition when family is home or not_home.


Im trying to create a default action which i can reuse within all my schedules.
I want to be able to turn on / off a light with a transition.
As far as i understand it correctly i have to create a custom action. (for testing purposes im using brightness as it is in the documentation)…

- service: light.turn_on
brightness: 100
name: Turn on at 40%
icon: lightbulb-on-outline

I would expect this to show the “Turn on at 40%”. But it doesn’t work.
What am i doing wrong?


I will release an update that will allow you to do this.

You’re almost there, you should define for which entity/entities to apply the customization (you don’t want to dim your thermostat I suppose :slight_smile: )

  light: # place the entity or domain for which to apply customization here
      - service: light.turn_on
          brightness: 100
        name: Turn on at 40%
        icon: lightbulb-on-outline

PS: for next time, please use code formatting for readability:

(my code)

thanks so i went a bit further:

type: 'custom:scheduler-card'
  - light.lg_buiten
      - service: turn_on_with_transition
        name: Turn on with transition
        icon: lightbulb-on-outline
          field: transition
          name: Transition (in seconds)
          min: 0
          max: 3600
          step: 60
title: Lichten Buiten

While this works i loose the ability to select the brightness…
how do i keep that?

I’m afraid currently the card only has support for 1 variable field, other parameters need to be kept fixed (by defining them in service_data).
I could change things to make this more flexible, but you’re the first person to ask for this.
Please create a feature request if you think this is helpful (also for others).

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I released v3.0.3 of the scheduler-component which has this workaround implemented.
The ‘heat’ action (and ‘cool’ action for A/C systems) should work for everyone now :tada:


it is also possible to show only the lights starting with “light.lg*”
i have tried

    -include: "light.lg*"

but that doesn’t seem to work