Scheduler card/custom component

Is there a way to make the temperature step 0.1 instead of 0.5?


So did you run the scheduler with log level debug for a while?
The schedules are triggered as you would expect and the services are called?
If so, the effect would be the same as going to developer tools → services and calling the climate.set_preset_mode manually with the given preset_mode and entity_id.
Could you try this, see if the device responds?
If so, could you compare the attributes used with this service with the actions attribute from the schedule entity (you can find it in developer tools → states)?

Scheduler reads target_temperature_step of your climate entity, so the step size should match with the capabilities of your device.
See also here.

I use generic_thermostat.
The option target_temperature_step does not exist, instead there is precission

- platform: generic_thermostat
    name: Caldera
    heater: switch.caldera
    target_sensor: sensor.0x00158d0004465b27_temperature
    initial_hvac_mode: "off"
    ac_mode: false
    cold_tolerance: 0.3
    hot_tolerance: 0.3
    away_temp: 18
    precision: 0.1

there is no other way?

The option target_temperature_step does not exist

@neliss means the attribute.

I have reinstalled the Scheduler card and the integration with several restarts.
Still, I am getting this message in the card GUI:

Could not connect with the scheduler component. It needs to be installed as integration before this card can be used.

Any ideas why?

@Tomahawk did you follow this step:


I try to change in settings->customization->my device, but this attribute: target_temp_step not apeear in simple termostat…

What can i do?


I mean developer tools, you can see attributes there. Example of a non-climate device:

This is my simple thermostat attributtes:

Precision is what I use to change it on the thermostat card.

Can you manually set that using Customize? You may need to add a custom one.

Add a custom attribute?

How can I do that?



That was it. My usual eye-screen-interface error.

Is it correct that (for now) it’s not possible using the “Time scheme editor” to make a schedule going like:

Start when sensor gets value “on” and stop when time is “22:00”?

Is this possible to do this within one schedule setup?

@Tomahawk No, switching a device when a sensor changes is not what scheduler is for. The scheduler is meant for planning tasks based on time.
The task you’re looking for fits better with HA automations.

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Thanks for clarifying. And kudos for your work on this component!
My actual scenario is (should av made my question above more accurate):
When sun goes down, turn on light and then turn off light at time 22:00.

Please consider time-related sensors a parameter in the “Time scheme editor”, since “Option->Condition: entities” has the functionality to intervene (stop the start of a time scheme)., a time-based sensor to be a start point or end point in a time schema.
Or maybe an ordinary scheme can take a start point and an endpoint, so it is no need to make two schemes for a light going on and off. Just my 2 cent…

@Tomahawk You can configure a schedule to trigger at sunset, but it’s not available (yet) for the time schemes (see the docs).
One of reasons for this option to not be in place yet for the time schemes, is that it is rather difficult to guarantee the timeslot has a positive length.
In your case, sunset may become later than 22:00 (depends where you live), as a result the start point and end point of the timeslot should be swapped (or something).
This feature should become available at some point, but perhaps with some restrictions.

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I have been reading through, and it looks like there was some discussion of how to temporarily override schedules last fall, but I don’t see an implementation.
I have a bunch of TRV valves all set up with schedule to provide a heating schedule, which is working well. I can drop the temperature in our home when everyone is away at work or school. However, I would love to have a way to have an “override” button that would temporarily use my “weekend” schedule - in case someone is home sick, etc.
Is there a way to do this? I was looking at the scheduler service calls - could you add the day temporarily to the another schedule, and then undo that change at some point? Is there some other way to achieve this? Thanks for any guidance!

Scheduler is compatible with the workday integration, which you can use to define which days of the week are your working days, but you can also define extra holidays / days off.
Any day that is a non-working day is considered as weekend by scheduler.
So, one way to accomplish what you want is by adding these sick days to the workday integration.
However the workday integration is YAML-only, so doing this is not very elegant and requires a restart of HA.

Another way to accomplish what you want, is by defining some input_boolean entity which represents whether “today is a workday”. You could create some automation that automatically enables it from Mon-Fri, which you could override manually.
However you would need to set all schedules to “daily” and define the condition “input_boolean.workday is ON” or “input_boolean.workday is OFF” for your workday / weekend schedules respectively.

Scheduler has no built-in override functionality for the repeated days, it is also not planned to add such function.