Scheduler card/custom component

Ok… so I don’t know what’s actually wrong here, but I manually installed the component in config\custom_components\scheduler and the scheduler-card.js in config\www\scheduler-card.

I can find the component integration and add it, but I can’t seem to find the actual card when I try to add it to the dashboard.

the resource url is this: /config/www/scheduler-card/scheduler-card.js?v=0

What am I doing wrong ???

Later edit: Nvm, I changed the resource link to: local/scheduler-card/scheduler-card.js?v=0 and it worked, thank you for this amazing thing!

is there any way to make a schedule that starts more than 2 hours after sunset? as of right now the component only allows up to 2 hour before or after sunset? if there is a way can someone please explain it to me?

Hi @neliss

Have a schedule configured in schematic with a swtch and options.

I have to change the switch that is broken.

If I change it in the schedule editor I lose the schematic and I have to redo everything. This is a problem.


  • change the name of the entity of the swich. This is not always desirable.
  • Editing the file directly, but I don’t know if it can have consequences ?

Can’t you just click on the existing schedule to edit it, click on the entity and swap it with the new one?
Why bother with editing the storage file?
If you have a suggestion, I’d like to hear it as well.

2 hours is the maximum now.
It was chosen since the sun will be completely up/down by then, also includes dawn/dusk/twilight etc. so should give you plenty of freedom.
The time should be guaranteed to be within 00:00-23:59, that’s why there is a limitation. If you would plan something 4 hours after sunset it could end up in a next day (depending on the season), this is not desirable if a schedule should only work for some day(s).

If I change swich I lose the existing calendar. When I change the swich it proposes action or shema and I choose shema it has to be redone.


This is not very serious because I have only one, but I plan to change the switch to mqtt and I’ll have to use them one day…

Is there any way you can add it as an option?

This is a totally small issue, but is there any way to change which schedule is listed first on the card? I adopted your suggestion about creating a “workday” boolean, and using that to switch the schedules off and on. I now have 2 schedules for each group of thermostat valves that I want to schedule. For some reason, however, the Porch group has the homeday schedule listed first, while all the other cards list the workday schedule first. How does the card decide which schedule to list first, and is there a way to override that? It’s completely aesthetic - the schedules themselves work perfectly, and this is a totally kickass automation!

I could add a check that if the new entity has the same actions as the old entity, the settings are kept.

As said, I wouldn’t know how to allow wider offset from sunrise/sunset while still guaranteeing that the time stays within 00:00 - 23:59 and cannot move to a next/previous day. This is why the limitation is there.

The sorting is based on which one triggers first.
If they trigger at the same time, the entity_id is compared and sorted alphabetically.
Perhaps you could update the name for your porch light schedules to change the sorting?
It’s difficult to allow the user to choose the order of the list freely, since the entities are automatically loaded from HA (in contrast to the normal entities card).

@neliss: When i use your integration wtih my climate entities, it creates a problem.
when it sends the hvac_mode: heat then will the thermostat go to 25 degrees instead of the temp that i setup in the settings. Set temperature is enough and don’t cause any problem.
How can i fix this?

A climate entity needs to be set to hvac_mode:heat to accept an external temperature setpoint.
Many users have reported the issue that if their thermostat is in hvac_mode:off or hvac_mode:auto, the setpoint would be ignored, that’s why scheduler sets it.
Scheduler sends the temperature setpoint (through the set_temperature service) right after the set_hvac_mode service.
If I understand you correctly, this setpoint is ignored by your climate integration, but it always keeps the setpoint at 25 degrees.
This issue seems to be related to your climate integration, not with scheduler.
Could you try creating an automation or script that executes set_hvac_mode + set_temperature as sequence of actions, to see if you experience also that the temperature is always 25 degrees?
Any idea where this 25 degrees comes from? Is this the maximum limit for the setpoint?


thanks for this card. I try to use it together with the thermostat card, for a “climate” entity. Sorry if another similar question was asked, I didn’t find an answer.

If I use them separately, everything is ok. The command is also sent depending on scheduller and manual directly from the thermostat card. When I control it manually, the thermostat card shows off / heating state.
I want the state in the thermostat card to change even when the heating is activated in the scheduller.

Or is an other option in thermostat card …?

Can you show a screenshot?

I am sorry.
I answered myself and finally understand how it works. If it is not in the active period, the thermostat card is inactive. When in “on time” thermostat card off/heating status is displayed.
All is well now.

Currenty it is something I’m looking for. Firstly I’m so happy with the scheduler card. The best of the choices. I use it for several reasons. One of these is control the hot water circulation in my house.
Now I’d like to make a node-red sequence which listens if the circulation is started by scheduler or by somebody switch on it manually. If it is switched on manually it should switch of after 1 hour if the scheduler is not triggered (I have 2 schedulers: one for weekdays, one for weekend)
For this I should know if the scheduler is triggered or not (means the switch is switched on by the scheduler or not) and I need some output from the scheduler. The best would be if there is an entity shows that the given schedule is triggered. E.g. make an additional bynary sensor called e.g. binary_sensor.scheduler_xy where xy is the same entity ID as the switch.scheduler_xy for the given schedule. This binary sensor could be on or off. And the original switch can work as is.
What do you think?

Great integration!!
Can I add a curtain swith in the scheduler?
Thanks, Wil

The switch entity changes to state triggered for a minute when the timer is firing. Shouldn’t that be sufficient for your use case?

Goedenavond and welkom Wil :slightly_smiling_face:
A curtain switch is usually a cover entity with open/close actions.
If you have it in HA, you should be able to include it in the scheduler card (in UI by editing the card, otherwise by yaml).

Goedeavond too, I can only choose lights or switchs in my scheduler card?

If it is only for the first minute, it doesn’t fit. It should give a continuous feedback if it is triggered or not. E.g. there is a switch off timer but I don’t want to switch off if the scheduler is running. It can happen not in the first minute but in the middle of a 30 minutes schedule. So a continuous state (triggered) should be better.

I made an input boolean (have no better knowledge on virtual switch solution), but the problem that I can select 1 group in scheduler (switch OR light OR e.g. input boolean), so I’m not able to switch it together with my switches.

+1 feature what should be useful. After HA starts, scheduler should check and set all schedules back. E.g. there is a power outage during a schedule is running and the power comes back after a trigger, so the devide stays switched on. But if the scheduler checks the current schedule state and set it again it can switch off (or on) the device after the power comes back.
Optionally it can be checked for each schedule. Maybe there should be 2 checkboxes (or switches), one for “Set ON state after power outage” and one for “Set OFF state after power outage”