Scheduler card/custom component

I believe you can do this if you set a scheme.for the entity you want to control.
Also you should be able to select more than one group for your card.

It’s funny. I have different view:

Click both in that view.
My screenshot was there effort view for a already created card

I can’t. Even with “Ctrl”. When I choose one group I can choose one or more entities but I’m not able to choose additional entity from a different group.
That’s why I’m looking for a solution to make a virtual switch in switch domain (switch.xy and not input_boolean.xy) but I don’t know if I can and how I can do it. If I can make a switch in switch domain, then I will be able to choose multiple entities in switch group in scheduler.

You can only select entities from one group, but from one group you can select multiple entities.
Usually each group has different type of entities, so they require different actions.
You can however, define your own groups with a mix of entities.
But you cannot combine different actions, like “turn on switch” + “set thermostat heat to 20”.
Therefor I doubt that your experiment will be a good solution.
To me it’s not really clear what you’re trying to accomplish.

I have a hot water circulation in my house. I use it with your fantastic (really!) scheduler. I have a button as well where I can swict on or off the circulation if it is not scheduled. This is the switch which is switched on-off with your scheduler.
I’d like to make an automation which switches off the switch if it is switced on manually but only if the shedule is not running. So my automation will be:

If the switch.circulation is ‘on’ for 1 hour and (condition) schedule is not running on that switch, than switch ‘off’.

Somehow I would like to check if the schedule is on. I could make a virtual switch which is switchin on/off in the scheduler with the switch.circulation, so the state of this virtual switch could show if the circulation is on by the scheduler. But I can’t make a virtual switch in the “switch” domain (e.g. switch.virtual_circulation). I know how to make an input boolean for that, but in scheduler I can’t select a switch with an input boolean.
My workaround will be to make a scedule with the input boolean and switch the circulation with an automation which listens to the input boolean.
But would be better to have something like a binary sensor made by scheduler which shows the state of the scheduling.

I don’t think most users will like it if the scheduler generates an extra binary_sensor per schedule, so I would like to avoid that.
However the schedules are switch entities, it is running (counting down) while the state is “on”.
If you want to detect whether a schedule is within a certain timeslot, that’s another story.
Internally scheduler only has a job to do when “entering” a timeslot, so it doesn’t really keep track of the current overlapping timeslot (and corresponding action).
An attribute could be added to the schedule entities that shows the number of the timeslot that’s active (or null if none). But this wouldn’t directly tell you which action is executed in this timeslot (turn on or turn off in your case).
How did you picture this?

Thanks for your answer. Finally I made my wokaround. An input boolean is controlled by the scheduler and I make my automations based on the input boolean’s state. So when it is ‘on’ it means that it is switched on by the scheduler and many automations (node-red) is listening and acting in different way. E.g. it doesn’t switch on when my alarm system is armed away and also when my alarm system is disarmed one automation listens the current state of the given input boolean, so it is switching on if the scheduler state is currently ‘on’.

But the other feature I wrote above about set the current states of the scheduler after HA starts (e.g. after a power outage or a restart) would be very useful. It could be set in the given schedule (“Set state after HA starting”)

Hi, how can i set the scheduler to now +15mn in a automation please? cant’ find out the way to do it. thxs

Hello. Has something changed since yesterday. The way i add a schedule in an automation with the service doesn’t work today.

service: scheduler.add
    - daily
  repeat_type: single
    - start: '07:40'
        - service: script.turn_on
          entity_id: script.tji

Hello everyone!

Just discovered this integration (quite new to HA) and absolutely love it!
I want to schedule my shutters with it.
At the balcony door there is a contact switch.
I want to use it in a way that the shutter don’t closes when the door is open, so it doesn’t lock me out. I think this could easily be done with a simple condition.
But I want to close the shutter as soon as the door is closed and I am not sure how I can do this.
Maybe with some Node Red flow instead of a condition in scheduler? Listen to the shutter entity and if it is moved with an open door stop it imidiatly? Doesn’t really sound like a good solution to me.

Any input will be appreciated!

You need the scheduler to flip a Boolean, let’s call it auto_close_shutters.

Then an automation with two triggers:
Auto_close_shutters state to on
Door sensor state to closed

Then two conditions:
Auto_close_shutters state is on
Door sensor state is closed

Then action:
Shut the shutter

This is a great way of scheduling tasks - thank you!

Is there a way of including titles for the scheduling rules (rather than having them appearing as ‘two switches’ or such like)? There’s a ‘name’ in the options, but it doesn’t appear to display.

You can chnage the word Scheduler in the card config.
I cant see a way to change the name of the devices in the card.
it is able to switch groups, so you could create a group with the 2 switches in with a suitable name, then schedule that to be switched.

Both great shouts - thank you.

I’m trying to set a scheme for my porch light that turns it on after sunset and off after sunrise.
Is this possible or are only times selectable in schemes?

There’s an FR for that; not a lot of stuff has happened over there for a while.


You can turn on and off at sunrise/sunset and add an offset - you need to click on the sun/moon icon when setting the time :slight_smile:

Not when you’re making a scheme

Out of interest why do you need a scheme for 1 light?