Scheduler card/custom component

That was quick ! It work perfectly now and the switch created with scheduler are config again. Perfect thanks for your great work. :smiley:

hi, i may not be setting something right, but integration when i create a schema will turn the switch on but not turn it off.

any advise? THX

nice component, kudos!

Have a request I could not find any similar one in the thread. My apologize if it has been asked already.

I would like to have more granularity in the way the minutes are set in the schedule. Right now we can select among 00, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 minutes. I would like to have 0,1,2,3,4, etc up to 59. Would it be possible/easy to achieve?


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You can edit more precisely with the scheduler.edit service

Or define your own time_step (docs).

time_step: 1 did the trick. Thanks!

Hi! I recently started using the scheduler card - great tool, thank you!

I also recently started using a timer-bar-card and I would like to combine both together meaning that I have the schedule and underneath a timer with a countdown showing me how much time is left for that specific schedule. I am using the scheduler to schedule watering in my garden and right now I have a list of 8 actions 4x on/off schedule. I would like to have a countdown underneath each two or something like that.
I saw that I can add a button card and choose one of the schedules as an entity but it of course does not work in the same way and does not look as nicely as the scheduler card. Is there an option to do the above? I am quite new to HA.

I have a strange issue concerning the “overall” card as no items are shown up.
I did create two schedules which are working properly (one of them for quite a long time), but only “+2 excluded items” is shown.




type: custom:scheduler-card
standard_configuration: true
discover_existing: true

1st Schedule Item:

  - daily
  - 00:00:00 - 05:00:00
  - 05:00:00 - 22:00:00
  - 22:00:00 - 00:00:00
  - climate.klima_schlafzimmer_climate
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      hvac_mode: cool
      temperature: 19.5
  - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
      hvac_mode: 'off'
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      hvac_mode: cool
      temperature: 19.5
current_slot: 1
next_slot: 2
next_trigger: '2022-06-15T22:00:00+02:00'
tags: []
icon: mdi:calendar-clock
friendly_name: Klima_1

2nd Schedule Item:

  - daily
  - 00:00:00 - 01:00:00
  - 01:00:00 - 06:00:00
  - 06:00:00 - 09:00:00
  - 09:00:00 - 17:30:00
  - 17:30:00 - 00:00:00
  - climate.thermostate_wohnzimmer
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      temperature: 22.5
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      temperature: 17
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      temperature: 23
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      temperature: 20
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      temperature: 22.5
current_slot: 3
next_slot: 4
next_trigger: '2022-06-15T17:30:00+02:00'
tags: []
icon: mdi:calendar-clock
friendly_name: Zeitsteuerung Wohnzimmer

Any ideas how to fix this glitch?

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Add to the card config:

  - climate

To tell the card that you want to use the card to show + create schedules for climate entities.
This is not a glitch, it is just the way the card is designed.
I think you used to have this configuration applied since you have created schedules for climate entities in the past.

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This is not a glitch, it is just the way the card is designed.

It is a glitch - for me :roll_eyes:

I think you used to have this configuration applied since you have created schedules for climate entities in the past.

It was never applied that way so far.
Thanks for pointing me to the right direction - it is working now properly.

I have two additional questions:
In my (special) case, I need to send a service call (climate.turn_on, climate.turn_off) additionally to the hvac_mode and the temperature. Off course, this is then dependent to the intended action. In case of turning off, I just need to send the service call climate.turn_off and no further values.
Is there a pragmatical solution available to handle all this in one schedule?
The script-approach is, to my understanding, not solving the whole issue, as it does not differntiate betwenn turn_on and turn_off

Furthermore, I am looking for a way to consider conditions on a per-timeslot base.
Example: Turn on the AC only, if temperature in the room is above a certain limit.
If I add this as a “general” condition, any other action in the scheduler item would only work, if this is met, whcih makes, in certain cases, no sense.
Or asked the other way round:
What would be the more elegant approach (if possible at all):

  1. Handle turn_on, set temp etc. together with turn_off in the same scheduler item (e.g. turn_on from 10 pm until 11:30 pm and turn_off from 11:30 until EoD
  2. Create two separate schedules, one for turn_on (e.g. 0 am until 5 am and 10 pm until midnight) and one for turn_off (5 am until 10 pm). Would it here be possible to define more than one slot and keep certain slots unconfigured (without an action) which would then be handeled by the other schedule?

Out-of-the-box you won’t be able to create any schedule. You need to configure which entities / entity types you want to use it with as starting point.

There is no solution for this, you cannot configure a sequence of actions with scheduler card. Indeed triggering a script would be the best alternative.
I think you will also have problems with the standard thermostat card (I believe it doesn’t send climate.turn_on), it seems your thermostat doesn’t really play by the rules of HA.
Perhaps you can create an automation which triggers climate.turn_on as soon as the hvac_mode or temperature setpoint of the device was changed (due to a schedule)?

The scheduler-card doesn’t allow configuring conditions per timeslot. It would add additional complexity to the click path in the card, which is something I want to avoid.
Two possible solutions you could consider:

  • Combine multiple conditions. E.g.: temperature is above X or AC is on. Would cause the timeslots with turn off action to be always triggered.
  • Define some template binary sensor with the logic condition you want to test against. You can create virtually any rule with a template, but it might become a contraption.

is there any parameters in the configuration to set the default “Behaviour after completion” to Stop instead of Repeat?

Hi, I just installed the Scheduler component, rebooted, installed the Scheduler-Card, rebooted. In HACS - Frontend the Scheduler Card is visible, however in the Overview I cannot find it for adding to Lovelace. Any ideas?

I have the same problem

@ConTS10 @SilverLeaf
Please check your browser logs.
If the scheduler card is properly installed you should see a badge like this one:

If the badge is visible but the card doesn’t show up in Lovelace, there is probably a cache related problem. Try clearing the browser cache or switch to another browser or device.
If there is no badge, the installation is not complete. I don’t know why this could happen in HACS. You could check the www/ folder to see if the files of scheduler-card are copied. This can also be done manually.

I didn’t find this badge in logs. The files in the www folder in the screenshot. In other browsers, the integration is also not visible.

Well the files are there. What are you not seeing?

I cannot find integration for adding to Lovelace.

You don’t add an integration to Lovelace, you add a Frontend Card.

The Scheduler this thread is about has two elements, an integration and a card. You need to install both (usually via HACS). You won’t find the integration in /config/ww as it belongs in /config/custom_components.

Once you have installed everything via HACS, and installed the integration, you can add the card in Lovelace.

If by overview, you are referring to the default Lovelace view that automatically includes stuff, you won’t find it there.

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Thanks, it works!