Scheduler card/custom component

I have no idea. It seems you have a good understanding of what scheduler does ‘under the hood’. If the call_service event is not fired I would say this is due to limitations in HA and outside of my influence.

I am in YAML mode.

I dont know why, but I can not for the lift of me create another schedule. I have the card displayed on the dashboard but when I click “Add” on the card, it says I have no groups defined.

This did not happen before I was in YAML mode?

Do I define the groups in the YAML of the card directly?

Please help this is doing my head in.

          - type: custom:scheduler-card
              - switch.upstairs_ac_power
              - name: "Lighting"
                icon: "hass:ceiling-light"
                  - TopWallLights

I just listened to events in the developer tools, and extracted the above mentioned two service calls. The only difference I see is the “parent_id:” which is set in the event triggered manually. When I tried the following trigger, it also does not work…

domain: climate
service: set_temperature
  entity_id: climate.living_thermostat
  parent_id: null


  1. Make sure to add all entities you want to show up to the include list. Now your card is only configured to make switch.upstairs_ac_power show up. You can also add complete domains, e.g. by adding light and climate to the list.

  2. You defined a group which only includes TopWallLights. However these should be entity IDs (or part of entity IDs), e.g. switch.upstairs_ac_power or simply switch. I think the current defined group will never have any members.


I don’t know what the context including parent_id would be and how to send it when calling a service. If I could modify the scheduler-card to include this information, I would happily add this.
The documentation about this is rather vague to me.
Scheduler currently uses the async_call_from_config function of HA to trigger a service call. From what I can see there is the possibility to attach a context object.

Hi. Is there a possibility to just display the configured schedule as a Lovelace component?
And by clicking it, it would link to the standard scheduler customization card?
This would be a great feature if not already added.

Is there a way to disable to groups feature. I do not use groups and ive been stuck now trying to add schedules and I cannot.

I never used to have to define groups, every time I define a group, it just says the same thing.


Ok I got it working,

but now, I can only select entities defined in the groups. What about just selecting ANY entity I want?

This is dumb, I want to control individual entities not entire groups.

Then choose the entities after choosing what group they are in.

Hi all,
I have two questions about this integration:

  1. How can I add a time slot that starts before midnight and ends after midnight?
    For example, I need to set the temperature of the climate device between 23:00 (11:00pm) and 07:00 (7:00am).
    Currently, I am forced to create two time slots with the same temperature settings, one time slot from 23:00 to 00:00 and the another one from 00:00 to 07:00.
  2. How can I use templated value for the climate device’s target temperature?
    For example, I need to set the temperature of the climate device at one time period as fixed value (e.g. 21°C), and at another time period this temperature should be equal to the outdoor temperature plus 10°C.

Any idea why this schedule failed to turn off?

How can I troubleshoot?

I have just started to move a few automations over to this scheduler and most work really well. I have one issue I was hoping for some help with please. I have a TV triggered on/off as a condition by a Hue motion sensor. This works but the TV goes off really quickly as soon as motion is clear. I have tried changing - re-evalutate condition and repeat but I can’t make it stay on longer. In normal automations there is a duration condition…
hours: 0
minutes: 5
seconds: 0
I can’t find the yaml to try directly editing it so was hoping if this could be added as an option in the conditions selection or perhaps I’ have just missed it somewhere.

Thanks - other than that it’s really good !


You cannot. A schedule is limited from 00:00 - 23:59.

You cannot. Scheduler doesnt support templates. As workaround you could have scheduler trigger a script, and in that script you set the heat to the desired/templated


You could enable debug logging for scheduler. You will see in the HA logs exactly what scheduler does and when.
From the picture it looks like scheduler did trigger at 2 PM and turned off the pump, but 4 seconds later it was turned on again (by something else?).


Unfortunately it’s not possible to delay the retriggering of a schedule due to changing conditions.
The only workaround I can think of, is to make a template sensor which mimics the state of your Hue motion sensor, but with a delay, and use that in the schedule.
Example code:

  - binary_sensor:
      - name: "Delayed Hue Sensor"
          minutes: 5 # can also be in seconds
        state: >
          {{ is_state('binary_sensor.<my_hue_sensor>','on') }}

Thanks for your quick reply, I will have a look at this possibility. I have switched it back to built in automations for now.

Should i be trying to add that to the on schedule to add a duration to keep it on or add it to the off schedule to delay the off from running .


Would someone happen to know why my time choosing numbers are placed wrong?
It shows decimals in the hour box and nothing in the minutes box. The arrows however work as they should. I have redownloaded everything and tried with pc and mobile.


Hi @neliss and thanks for this card.
It’s working great, I’ve set it up for the heating of 5 different rooms in my home, where each of them has its own thermostat and scheduling.

Anyway, for this specific case, i find annoying that i cannot have a glance of the 5 timelines of the 5 different scheduling of the thermostats. Since every room has a different one, i have to check each of them by clicking on the scheme and i don’t have a way to see (or even better change) one of them while looking the others.

Do you think there is a trick or something that i’m missing in order to achieve that?


Thanks for the great integration, I’ve been using it a long time and works perfectly!

I have an issue now and hoping someone can help.

I am trying to use the ‘edit’ service call to dynamically update a schedule and I can’t for the life of me get it to work.

Here is the service call:

service: scheduler.edit
  entity_id: switch.schedule_heating_house
    - start: "00:00"
      stop: "09:00"
        - entity_id: climate.kitchen_2
          service: climate.set_temperature
            temperature: 15
    - start: "09:00"
        - entity_id: climate.kitchen_2
          service: climate.set_temperature
            temperature: 14
  weekdays: [ "daily" ]

However I get ‘invalid date’ show in the scheduler card (screenshots below)

What am I doing wrong?


Your second timeslot doesn’t have a stop time, I suppose this causes the problem?
Additionally I would recommend to use full time format, i.e. “08:00:00” (not sure if this is required).
The attributes of the schedule entity in Developer tools → States could be interesting to check, I suppose this is more an issue with the scheduler component than the card.

It was the full time format that was the issue. Thanks so much for your help! And particularly thanks for still working hard to maintain this and still answering questions on it all

Can’t seem to adjust any schedule.

If I click on add a new section appears and within the next few seconds it goes away again. Some times it lasts longer and I can press save but when I go back into it the added bit has gone again. If I adjust the time 9 times out of 10 it doesn’t persist. Has the component become corrupt or am I doing something wrong. Doesn’t matter if I use chrome, edge or samsung internet. Restart HA, reload scheduler nothing makes a difference.

no numbers
No numbers appear in the boxes. I can type in numbers ( they are visible if I highlight the box, but they aren’t retained after saving and going back in.

Please check your browser logs and verify you’re on the latest version of the card (v2.3.7).
If not, update the card or clear your browser cache.
If this doesn’t help, create a bug report in GitHub.

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