Scheduler card/custom component

Has anyone used this component to realize their automatic heating system?
Say 18 ° if everyone is at home otherwise 16 ° etc.?
Could show his example here

Many thanks

It can be a bit confusing.
You are trying to edit the schedule and not the card.
There are two different things card and component. The time resolution setting is in the card setting.
So you have to click the 3 dots in the upper right corner → Edit Dashboard → Edit (on the respective card) → Other (tab).


Got it! Thanks! Yes it is a bit confusing!

Thanks once again for your help!

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This is a very ambitious card. It does that much.

When I switch between the daily and weekdays and weekend, I don’t get any visual feedback in the time schedule of the selected days. It just stays the same. It feels like broken.

I tested it with Chrome and Safari. I don’t know if it is really broken or if it just lacks some visual feedback.

You should get the feedback.
If not, you’re probably running an older version of the card which is not compatible with recent HA version.
This has been discussed many times, see for example here.

It’s been freshly installed by HACS.

For me it doesn’t tell much what HACS says, just follow my instructions in this post to identify a possible caching issue.
If so, you can only fix this problem by yourself.

As I tested it in two independent browsers, it’s rather not a caching issue.

It’s also not Issue 625. That tells you can’t create a schedule at all. I see no change in the working schedule when switching from daily to weekdays. I would expect to see something empty, if I didn’t create anything in weekdays. That’s where it get’s confusing.

If you think you have a different problem, please create a bug report and show what is wrong (by means of screen video or similar). I’m not aware of any issues similar to your description.

Hello @boxi , I’m still trying to work that out.

I’m trying to mix my energies and costs so i’m mixing :

  • my pellet stove in the living room
    • In order to have 2 differents temperature during the day and evening, and different cold and hot tolerance I use 2 seperate generic_thermostat : Day and Night
  • an electric heater upstairs that I move between my office and bedroom
    • again 2 thermostats, 2 temperature sensors, but 1 switch (which is a shelly plug S that moves with the heater)
  • An input boolean that switch on or off depending on the position of my smartphone (Away is On, or Off), but as we are 2 in the house, I could want it to be Off (not away) even if i’m away from home

So the config is:

  • for pellet stove

    • Climate Day
      • 00h00 to 7h30 → Turn Off
      • 7h30 to 18h00 → Heat to 17°
      • 18h00 to 23h59 → Turn Off
      • If Away if not ON (and re-evaluate)
    • Climate Night:
      • 00h00 to 19h00 → Turn Off
      • 19h00 to 23h59 → Heat to 20°
      • If Away if not ON (and re-evaluate)
  • for electric heater

    • Climate bedroom
      • 00h00 to 7h30 → Heat to 17°
      • 7h30 to 23h59 → Turn Off
      • If Away if not ON (and re-evaluate)
    • Climate Office :
      • 00 to 9h00 → Turn Off
      • 9h00 to 18h00 → Heat to 19°
      • 18h00 to 23h59 → Turn Off
      • If Away if not ON (and re-evaluate)

The re evaluate condition works fine to switch On.
Let’s say, It’s 19h00 I’m Away, the Climate Night won’t fire, I come home at 20h10, it switches ON.

I added an automation to switch everything OFF If heating is On and Away change to On for more that 5 minutes, that means I switch off devices switches (if they are on) and Climates.
This way I can’t have my stove being Off, and the Climate Turn Off not triggering if I’m away, as the condition apply to the whole schedule.

Hope i’m clear :slight_smile:
I’m still waiting for conditions issues for scenarios I haven’t thought off yet, but so far so good :slight_smile:

EDIT : Found a glitch
When I’m away, and turn the stove ON with the thermostat, then coming back home AND the schedule is during a “Turn Off” period, the stove goes to Off, which i don’t want.
Basicaly it means that I will to manualy switch the Away boolean Off in order for the stove to stay On, but doing that I will loose the other automations based on this boolean.

Other solution is to stop using scheme in the scheduler, and only use action with time, which prevent me from having the other nice features of the scheduler.

I’m stuck :slight_smile:

First of all I want to say this is a great component, and I love that is easier to schedule things this way, than using automations. I use it in a lot of tasks, especially climate control.

What I am missing, or just don’t know how to do, is to setup an automation on every other friday. Is this possible to setup with this?

Unfortunately you can only create a weekly schedule.
Only thing you could consider is to add a condition.
The condition could be some binary_sensor which is only ON in case the weeknumber is even.
This sensor you would have to make externally (for example using a template).

I would recommend looking at the new local calendar integration that is available with HA 2022.12 that would allow you to set a condition that could be used like @neliss suggests for use with other schedules.

I am using this component & card very extensively for our heating control. In general, this works fine and I am very grateful for that! I like it very much!

But now, I experience a behavior that is somewhat weird. Every time I restart HA (which may happen every other day due to reconfigurations or UI changes), the scheduler component seems to set the heating temperature back to the scheduled value for that time range. That means, any manually changed setting at the heating itself will be canceled. Unfortunately, this is significantly decreasing the WAF as it lowered her manual temperature setting now once too often. :wink:

Now my question:
Is there a way to tell the component not to override current (heating) settings until next switching point when HA (re)starts?

Until then, I try to help myself with a schedule like this:


  • no action between midnight and 6 pm (= no temperature setting)
  • a heating point at 6 pm until midnight

I am curious to see what the control system will do from midnight. I hope it will maintain the last set temperature.

Can somebody guide me in the right direction, please?

This is by design, also described in the documentation:
If HA is restarted: the schedule will determine which timeslot is active, and trigger this action immediately.


I do think it is useful to have the schedule execute when creating/editing/enabling a schedule.
But I agree it’s undesired in case of restarting HA. I would say there are almost no scenarios where it’s needed to trigger it.

I will see if I can change the behaviour (for once and for all).

At midnight scheduler will switch to the first timeslot of the next day.
Which in this case means: ‘do nothing’, i.e. your thermostat will stay as it was (at 16C or whatever was manually set in the meantime).

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Thank you for the clarification, @neliss! :slight_smile:

Many thanks in advance! That would be awesome!

That will do the trick as a workaround for that specific heating! Perfect! :slight_smile:


I’m trying to create some schedules for my climates devices with some predefined template temperatures (like night, eco, boost, confort etc…).

Each of these templates temperatures are defined with input_number. Let’s say “input_number.night”, “” which will contain the temperature needed during the night, during the days etc…

My problem is that I can’t use the input_number components into the actions list. See my yaml code below. Is there a way to use input_number instead of hard coded number. It is working well if I put for example

      - service: set_temperature
          temperature: 17 # but I would prefer to use an input_number here
        name: Nuit
        icon: hass:sleep

my code

type: custom:scheduler-card
standard_configuration: false
exclude: []
discover_existing: false
  - relative-time
title: Chauffage Cuisine
  primary_info: default
    - time
    - days
  icon: action
show_header_toggle: false
      - service: set_temperature
          temperature: '{{input_number.chauffage_nuit_cuisine.value}}'
        name: Nuit
        icon: hass:sleep
      - service: set_temperature
          temperature: '{{input_number.chauffage_eco_cuisine.value}}'
        name: Eco
        icon: hass:snowflake
      - service: set_temperature
          temperature: '{{input_number.chauffage_confort_cuisine.value}}'
        name: Confort
        icon: mdi:radiator
      - service: set_temperature
          temperature: '{{input_number.chauffage_boost_cuisine.value}}'
        name: Boost
        icon: mdi:thermometer-alert

I tried different way to use the input number, but it is still not working. I tried

{{ states(input_number.chauffage_nuit_cuisine) }}


{{ states(input_number.chauffage_nuit_cuisine) | float }}

Is there a way to use an input_number for this pupose? Thank you

Scheduler-card doesn’t work with templates.
I made an attempt to add support for this once, but I got stuck at some point and was missing documentation from HA on how to implement it.
As workaround you could create a script with a variable for the mode (sleep/eco/comfort/boost) and trigger that from scheduler. In the script you can define the service call for setting the temperature, making use of the template.

I do hope any changes you make to the behaviour when HA restarts is limited to just climate, temperature etc. It could cause havoc to some of my normal schedules that control things like pool equipment. Any chance you could expand on what your ideas might be here? Thank you.

I’m planning a change that causes schedules with timeslots not to be re-triggered upon restarting HA.
This is not specific to climate devices, it applies to all schedules which consist of timeslots.
I don’t think this change should have any negative consequences for anyone.
Your devices should stay in the same state as prior to restarting HA, this is not really related to (or responsibility of) scheduler.
If you think the re-triggering on restarting can be useful, please explain (I currently don’t see any benefits).