Scheduler card/custom component

Hi everyone, I love the scheduler card, thanks for the good work. I mainly use it to have a time schedule for thermostats on my dashboards. (Only one card per dashboard)

Is there any way to get rid of the “Add” and the “hidden entries” in settings, since the hidden entries are the same for every single card by the looks of it.

I couldn’t find a setting to do what I wanted, but maybe I’m using it wrong

Set discover_existing:false and show_add_button:false .

Wow, brilliant. Thank you so much!

A little over one month ago I posted about a significant change I was planning to make for this card.
You have voted unanimously in favor of moving the schedule editor into a dialog.

Today I am releasing v2.4.0 of the card, which makes this a reality.
Here’s a quick preview of the new interface of scheduler:

(it’s a pop-up dialog)

I had to shuffle quite some things around to make this change.
The card still has some minor graphical issues which I am hoping to smoothen out in the upcoming period.
Regardless, I decided against keeping it for myself in the mean time.
If you have troubles with the card, it is appreciated if you report them via github.

PS. Before anyone asks, YES it does support full width, just click on the title (same as with other dialogs in HA):


I like the new structure and the full width, easier to set the times!
Thanks for the update!

I like the new popup as well, one thing I’ve had issues with is setting the time slider, especially using my phone, is tricky to get it to ‘stop’ right where I want. Moving it one increment left/right is really hard to get it just right. Any plans to make the time slider able to be set with keyboard? or an easy way to bump it left or right one increment at a time?


Is it possible to repeat an planification yearly?

Any chance we could consider selecting which work day sensor we want to use? I have three for example. One for work days, one for school days, one for school nights.

Hello, I have an integrated scheduler-card, but I don’t know how to set e.g. 23:55 or e.g. 00:05 in SCHEME. The sliders can’t be reached to the end, does anyone know how to solve this? photo below

Hello there,

i just installed the card (and the integration). Now I can add it to a dashboard, it is shown in the preview (in the editing dialog), but when I close the editor, the card is not shown.
Nor a browser cache-reset or a HA reboot didn‘t change anything.
When I edit the dashboard in the raw-editor and then update the browser-view, the card is shown, but empty. After switching to another dashboard and back, it‘s gone again.
Does anyone know, whst could be wrong.
HA-Version 2022.3.5, card-Version 2.4

I suggest you to update your HA version (it’s 9 months old) and for the card there is an update v2.4.1.
If the card disappears I expect an error to be shown in the browser console log.

Thanks, the card-update to 2.4.1 did the trick.

Hi, just wondering… I updated to 2.4.1, but the card is identical to the former version (no tabs).
I tried a reboot, delete and reinstall the frontend scheduler-card but it is still the same!
What could it be?

It is due to browswr cache.

Nope … Actually I did that step also!

I doubt it! Check the card version to be sure.

Note that in Windows pressing CTRL+F5 doesn’t always totally clear cache (in fact, mostly doesn’t !!), so you have to press F12 (to open developer tools), then right-click on refresh icon and select “Clear cache and hard refresh”. Press F12 again to close developer tools.

Is there a way to always keen the card expanded or maximized rather then minmizing it and hiding the schedules?




THAT IS SUPER STRANGE! I did it yesterday as I already encounter this method for another card. but only when I did it again now it worked.
Anyway, Thanks!

Is it possible to schedule schemes relative to sunrise/sunset? I notice when I click on a time in a scheme it provides “time control mode” at the bottom, but “sunrise” and “sunset” are greyed out - “at time” is the only option.
I’m able to set simple on/off schedules relative to sunset without issue.