Scheduler card/custom component

It must have been too early when trying for the first time :slight_smile:
Anyway, managed to add 2nd schedule easily now for weekend for same entity (Airco Study) with different tag so it shows up in the right card. Really cool, thanks! I have both schedules named exactly the same - would you advise to do so as their tags are different anyway - or would you name both differently like Airco Study MF and Airco Study SS. Not sure if this will have implications for managing these in other places maybe? Groetjes, Rene


I guess I answered my own question by going to my Automation that is doing a Scheduler: Run Action… There they obviously will both show up with the same name so it will be hard to distinguish which one is which. Guess I will have to still name them both differently… Thanks.

I upgraded HA to 2023.1, and upgraded the Scheduler and Scheduler Card this week. Something has been broken in one of the components.

The scheduler card show the events as “Last Year”:

If I set a Period on the Options tab, then it will show correctly:

It will count down correctly, but the action does not complete.

I have tried removing and reinstalling the components, no difference.


This ended being a system time problem, had to static the network and set DNS to Google (, then all was good.

@neliss thank you for writing this Scheduler - both the underlying integration and card are very flexible and intuitive. I first started using HA a few months ago and was disappointed by scheduling options until I came across yours.

@neliss Thanks for this great integration.
I have one issue / maybe a feature request.

I have one automation switching an entity on off, based on photovoltaic. And i have your scheduler switching the same entity on at a certain time.

Is there any state i can use in the automation, to disable the automation when your scheduler is currently switching on the entity?

Thanks a lot

is any chance to make the backup from sheduler? Thank you.

Hi there,
I’m working on some simple yet helpful for my wife, card to be able to edit via input numbers only temperatures of selected schedule without need of modyfing (by mistake) other option from the schedule.
Could anyone provide me an example of service: scheduler.edit where I can edit only temperatures of for exmaple below schedule? I’m trying to do it but always some strange error.

Maybe someone already done it via service, once I finish I can share my card if anyone will be interested :slight_smile:


Fantastic development!
This really has become an essential component to my HA system.

I have a question. Is it possible to schedule an event with mixed group entities.
For example I have switches and lights in my system but it appears I can only schedule one group and not mixed group entities at the same time? I can therefore schedule a light to turn on but not a switch at the same time. (It requires another schedule?)

Thanks for any feedback.

Is it possible to set a time range?

What I mean by this is I want to turn on a light if motion is detected anytime between 11pm and 7am

Is it possible to hide icon in set schedule? it’s taking quite some space…

Ok I managed to create some simple card with templates automations and scripts to edit just temperature of based on room you select:
Now I would like to Edit friendly_name of Termostat temp1 etc. so it can show Timeslot for which is desired temperature in input box. So far it is only for 3 timeslots as this is usually what I’m using and it is working very nice. Any idea how to edit Friendly_name with a script???

I’ve got a similar task as @Colemar :
I’d like the scheduler card to set temperatur to a helper number. I have a input_number.temperatur_low and a input_number.temperatur_high.
Currently I use automations that set temperatur to my variables.
The scheduler card would look far better and the handling would be easier. But instead for each schedule and time to adjust the temperatur, I’d like to have it set to temperatur_low from time a to time b, temperatur_high from time b to c, temperatur_low from c to d, and so on.

Anyhow I’m too stupid to use the variables in the scheduler card. Can someone please support?

Hello @neliss,

thank you for this great contribution to homeassistant. Setting up schedules with yamls has always been a pain, so I’m very happy to find this extension.

After I have added a feature request (different times for weekdays/weekend) and after browsing several other feature requests which have been closed as not possible (e.g. a schedule at sunrise or 7 o’clock, whatever is the latest), I had a look into the structure and thought about how such features could be achieved.

I have seen that a schedule defines a time slot with start and end time and an action for each. Days are defined separately. I think this is what makes it a bit less flexible that it could be.

How about using just a list of triggers (like “workday, 22:00” or “weekend, sunset+00:10”) plus an action for each? This would allow arbitrary day/time combinations. In addition, each trigger could get a textual description (like “10% brightness”) which is shown in the card when the trigger is the next to be executed.

To solve the “at sunset but not before 22:30” requests, the time expression could easily expanded to allow syntax like “min(sunset+01:00,23:30)”. The component would then calculate the next execution time based on the 2 times in the expression.

I also thought about how this would affect the editor card. The easiest I can imagine would be to use the card as it is as long as only “simple” triggers are used and then switch to a textual “expert” mode for more complex expressions.

What do you think about this?

Kind regards,


Is there a way to have the same name for actions (that shows value set for the next action) like for the default ones? I am forced to use custom action to set temperature (because Heat implementation for TRVs I controll through Zigbee2mqtt means open valve to 100%). My action looks like this:

      - service: climate.set_temperature
        icon: mdi:fire
            name: Temperature
            unit: °C
            step: 0.5
            min: 16
            max: 35

To give example I created two schedules. Top one uses said custom action, bottom is standard Heat. Is there a way for the title to say Set temperature to X?

I’m getting an error on my mobile device.
Looks fine on PC
By the way, this card is incredible.
One of the most useful cards ever for home assistant.
Thank you!

Restarted my mobile phone, all is well!
Thanks again for an awesome utility!

I´m using the Scheduler for controlling my climate devices. This is working fine but sometimes i changed the temperature manually and forget to set the scheduler again. Is there a way that the scheduler will executed on a period time frame? Or only via an automation? But this makes complicated if i have multiple scheduler (1 for Weekdays, 1 for Weekends and 1 for Holidays)…
Any sugeestion to get this solved?

Hi @Arty2k15

Have you been able to solve your problem yet?
I have a similar problem. I want after heating a setback temperature of 15 degrees. But I can only select heat or off. Off but unfortunately means 5 degrees.


I would like to create a schedule with condition:

If a person is not home temperature is moved to night mode and if person is available it is day mode.
Without this condition the card is changed fine as per schedule.
When I add the condition it is considered for all day and night schedules. Not only for one of them e.g. day mode.
Saying differently I want a condition for the day mode only.

Any ideas are appreciated.

Is there a way to apply a condition to an entire scheduler card? I am currently setting the condition on each individual schedule item, but it is repetitive and error-prone. I think I’m just missing something.