Scheduler card/custom component

I’m trying to set temp for my AC zones.
It’s a climate object.

I can turn off:

I can turn on and set the temperature

But I can’t find any way of just setting the temperature without turning on the zone.
Do you have any ideas?

I wanted to note that these buttons are the opposite way of every other place in HA.



I am using this fantastic card not only for heating control but also for shutting down and waking up a network attached storage (NAS). As it also works as a media server, its regular shutdown in the night may occur while watching a movie.

Now I would like to create an automation so HA could at least show a warning via Kodi, e.g.

NAS shutdown in 10 minutes!

so that one can react to the situation and probably prevent it. Now my question: Is there a way to programmatically access the schedule to retrieve the beginning of the next timeslot (maybe including the kind of action, e.g. shut off)? That way Kodi could display the aforementioned warning a couple of minutes earlier. Thank you!

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Hi, I would like to make some changes to my local scheduler-card js file.
After coding, what should I do? How can I put it to my HA?

Hi, thank you for this card
is it possible to don’t show the delete button.

I love this component - the functionality is great! Thanks @neliss
I love it so much that I like to have a scheduler card per area/room. Now, all my schedules/entities are in one card/device.
When I select “add entry” in the Scheduler integration, I get a blank screen with an option to close it. How can I add an additional scheduler devices (which I assign to different areas/rooms), each containing multiple scheduler entities? Thanks

I don’t think you can add an additional scheduler device.
You can however add a ‘tag’ to each schedule, and add schedule card to each area/room, filtered by the tag for that particular area/room.

I have one schedule device with 4 entities (thermostats for four different rooms). Each of the schedule has a tag added (do that under the options tab) for that particular room.
Per room, I have added a schedule card, and in the yaml file filtered for the particular tag name of that room.


Thank you @wimjanse for this workaround. I added tags to my individual schedules, and now I will dive into the yaml code to see how I can filter. Your hint on the correct code is welcome :wink: .
Another challenge might be that I (also) use Dwains dashboard. This dashboard automatically assigns devices to their area, and I don’t think schedule cards from another area can be added.

Hi, I am trying to find a way to use the Weather forecast (entity “weather.forecast_home” from Meteorologisk institutt ( integration) as condition for changing the schedule of my Water timer… but it seems not possible…

The problem is that in the Scheduler I cannot enable (because it’s not listed at all) this entity to be used as conditions under Options…

Am I doing somwthing wrong of it is really impossible to obtain this result?

Thanks in advance

solved myself using a different approach…

created automation where based on weather meteo (in automation I can choose it) I stop or start the scheduler…

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Hey all - im trying to schedule something simple like, “turn on switch for 30 minutes” - if im understanding the usage correctly for this card, i have to create two items, one off and one on scheduler or am I missing something?

Am I the only one for whom the scheduler has been acting up lately? I have many shedules that won’t trigger.
I can see the ones that stopped triggering because they say, for instance, for the scheduled time “Yesterday at 7h00” instead of “Tomorrow at 7h00”. Meaning it triggered yesterday but not today like it was supposed to. If I toggle it off then back on, only then it will show “Tomorrow at 7h00” and will (probably) start working again.

Yes I am having the same problem. Some of my schedules are randomly disabled and some schedules say they are finished, while they still have triggers scheduled for the day. For the first problem, I have to re-enable the schedule and open the schedule and press save, for it to work again. For the second problem, I just have to open it and press save.
I now have to do this every day in the morning, which is a bummer.

To those who experience problems
Please report issues via Github, not here.
Issues related to the usage of the card belong to scheduler-card, issues related to the scheduling itself belong to scheduler-component.
Please share some more info than ‘it doesn’t work for me’, basically any info that could help me reproduce the issue. I am not experiencing any issues myself so the issue is probably specific to your usage.

Hi how its possible to make event for every Sunday repeat on every monthly on scheduler card ?

Hello and thanks for this very useful tool.
For my new project I need to create many scheduler entities and I would need to automate



out of the scheduler-card.

I made some test with the “service” tool of home assistant.

Calling the service scheduler:copy I don’t get any error but it seems that no new scheduler entity is generated. EDIT: they appear after reloading the scheduler-component.

I wasn’t able to add parameters in the scheduler:edit (UI or YAML) with the right syntax. I always get error messages.

Could anyone share YAML examples showing how to edit the schedule for a single week day defining timeslots and temperature values to load into an input_number entity representing temperature target of one room? My target is to make a copy of an existing schedule for a different day or for a different entity (i.e. the temperature set point of another room)

Eventually, I would like to completely replace scheduler-card also to generate and edit timeslots.

Incputs under conditions should give us more options, I created a bolean toggle I want to use as condition to control 5 schedules toggle them on to off via this bolean toggle helper.

How can I use this bolean toggle for this, since the card only allows to use lights or switches

You can add conditions on the 3rd Tab. I use boolean switches there.

Hi. Any chance to open the edit scheduler dialogue from another button (without the scheduler card)?

Not sure if I am posting this in the right place: I’m new to this stuff! I have installed the scheduler card (after installing scheduler-component), and added the card to a dashboard. However, the card only has its title and the update option, and is otherwise blank, with no way to use it to access or add events to the schedule. Any idea what I have missed in the installation?