Schlage BE469 Lock Status incorrect

Just installed a BE469 lock, and while the lock ability works fine and it shows it as what the option is, ie if the door is unlocked, it shows lock, which means if I press the lock button the door locks, and vice versa. My issue is the status of the lock, open / closed, does not update. I can force it to change attributes in developer tools and I get one proper change from unlock to lock, but then nothing after that.


What Z-wave integration are you using and can we see the “Device Info” section of the device page

also, how many entities were created in sensors?

Using Zwave.JS for the entity, but I also have Z2MQTT but I don’t get any readings from that page.

For whatever reason, many of these sensors aren’t available, but I don’t really need the, just curious about the status one getting it right

Same issue here, i still did not find a solution but will work on it in the comming weeks.

Seeing the same issue on my end. HA will send the commands successfully but the status screen doesn’t report the lock status correctly.

+1 for me. Mine is an older version. lock/unlock works as normal but status reported Such as lock/unlocked, door open/closed and it reports device is jammed which it is not. everything is latest and Gretest running Zwave JS. I just updated that about an hour ago with no difference. 2022-07-29 22_12_33-Settings – Home Assistant
2022-07-29 22_14_29-Settings – Home Assistant
2022-07-29 22_15_42-Settings – Home Assistant