I have been trying for a couple of weeks now to get this new lock connected. So far I’ve tried the instructions in pretty much every post on the issue, I’ve tried connecting via the vanilla Zwavejs as well as Zwavejs2mqtt, I’ve tried moving the Zwave stick and NUC physically closer to the lock, I’ve tried resetting the lock to factory settings and starting over, I’ve even tried playing around with the QR codes on the manual and I just can’t get it to show up.
I’m running Homeassistant on a NUC via Hassos with a Aeotec Zwave USB stick.
My sneaking suspicion is that Amazon have sold me a US Zwave lock rather than one that operates on the Australian frequency (for the second time, mind). But I have no way of checking that of course.
The other possibility is that the Zwave stick is a dud. I have no other zwave hardware so have no way of checking that either, but I have no real reason to think that’s the case.
Anyway, I’d be grateful if someone could take me through step by step the easiest/simplest way to get this to happen. I’m really at my wits end with it.
Have you tried the basics like using an USB extension cable?
Try changing the frequency of your controller. Even though your controller might say it’s from another region the only thing that prevents the controller from operating on another frequency is something called a saw filter. Controllers usually don’t have saw filters but the end devices do. This will help you identify if you have a device from a different region. I’ve tested this on multiple devices and it works no problem.
You could also try the Z-Wave PC Controller Software. It’s made by the people who manage the Z-Wave protocol and is a great tool for troubleshooting. I’ve had devices that wouldn’t add in HA then I add them easily in this software.
My suspicion is that Amazon sent me a US model rather than an Australian one (we have a different Zwave frequency). I sent it back and replaced it with a Zigbee Lockwood which works perfectly (and was half the price).
After some more prodding and pushing, I noticed that when the door is fully open, the lock connects to z-wave, but when I close the door, it’s dead. Not sure what to make of that, z-wave stick is close by…
You are smart for figuring that out I would have never guessed that that was the problem. I just looked up this chart and different materials can reduce the range as well. This explains why my door lock has so many issues.