I have a Schlage z-wave lock with keypad. It can accept a bunch of user codes. I do not have a Wink Hub. Is there a way to see what user code unlocked the door? And if there is, I’d like to know if there is a way to manage user codes from HA.
EDIT: Looks like using OZW might be causing the issue.
EDIT2: I removed the spaces in my network key and re-enrolled my lock and now everything works. Now I can try out this HACS user code manager: https://github.com/FutureTense/lock-manager
My lock has a lock_status attribute that will either be user 1 (or whatever slot number was used) or Manually locked by Key Cylinder or Inside thumb turn
This may be dependent on what z-wave integration you’re using. I’m using the built-in integration in HA, not open-zwave addon or anything. Do you know which you’re using?
I just added a Schlage z-wave lock to HA… and you are right I am doing everything that you just ask within HA.
I am using a " Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5 Z-Wave Hub Z-Wave Plus USB" on a Raspberry 4
I can give users access within HA.
I can take away user access from HA
I can see you lock and unlock the door via sensor and display on lovelace
if you are in Dr. Zzzz FB group look me up I can help you more with pictures and my setup. Look me up “Bobby Walters”
I recently switched over to OZW, a few weeks before I bought this lock. Guess that was a poor choice. Hoping there’s a way to get this working in OZW, because it’s too late for me to go back!
here is what I have in HA… I think I had your own problem when you only getting 3 it means its not pair right.
Just removed the lock battery and if the inside blinks red it means the lock is pair with the Zwave and if it does not blinks red that means its not pair…
look at my picture, where it say “L-Bobby” that mean bobby is the last person lock the door. and if its says UL-bobby it mean Bobby unlock it
alarm_level should change based on which code “slot” unlocked the door… I came from wink originally so I made each “slot” into a binary sensor (because that’s what Wink gave me for each one)… and then had an automation triggered based on that “key” being turned on… unnecessary step but as I said, it had binary sensors from Wink so I already had Key Notifications setup based on that…
################################################ SIDE DOOR KEY NOTIFICATIONS
- alias: Side Door Key Notifcations
- platform: state
from: 'off'
to: 'on'
- binary_sensor.cori_side_key
- binary_sensor.someones_side_key
- binary_sensor.sienna_side_key
- binary_sensor.sophia_side_key
- binary_sensor.stephanie_side_key
- binary_sensor.philip_side_key
- service: >
{% if is_state("person.joann_blahblah, "home") %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
message: "{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }} Unlocked the Side Door"
- service: notify.alexa_media
- media_player.living_room_echo
- media_player.kitchen_dot
- media_player.echo_show
type: announce
message: "{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }} Unlocked the Side Door"
- service: notify.firetv
message: "{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }} Unlocked the Side Door"
title: Home Assistant
Sorry for mixing up front/side but trying to rush… but I think you get the idea… you could do this entirely without the binary_sensors… as I mentioned… just use the alarm_level a the trigger
I popped the battery connection off, and then back in. No blinking lights. I guess it’s not paired correctly then? I can control the lock and monitor the status of it through HA, so I’m not sure what I’ve done wrong, or what I should be doing instead.
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Operated by"
value_template: >-
{%- if states.lock.front_door.attributes.lock_status == "Locked by RF" -%} L-HA
{%- elif states.lock.front_door.attributes.lock_status == "Unlocked by RF" -%} UL-HA
{%- elif states.lock.front_door.attributes.lock_status == "Locked with Keypad by user 0" -%} L-Schlage sign
{%- elif states.lock.front_door.attributes.lock_status == "Locked with Keypad by user 2" -%} L-Bobby
{%- elif states.lock.front_door.attributes.lock_status == "Unlocked with Keypad by user 2" -%} UL-Bobby
{%- elif states.lock.front_door.attributes.lock_status == "Locked with Keypad by user 3" -%} 3L-Bobby
{%- elif states.lock.front_door.attributes.lock_status == "Unlocked with Keypad by user 2" -%} 3UL-Bobby
{%- elif states.lock.front_door.attributes.lock_status == "Locked with Keypad by user 5" -%} L-Jenniveen
{%- elif states.lock.front_door.attributes.lock_status == "Unlocked with Keypad by user 5" -%} UL-Jenniveen
{%- elif states.lock.front_door.attributes.lock_status == "Locked with Keypad by user 6" -%} L-Saraiyh
{%- elif states.lock.front_door.attributes.lock_status == "Unlocked with Keypad by user 6" -%} UL-Saraiyh
{%- elif states.lock.front_door.attributes.lock_status == "Locked with Keypad by user 7" -%} L-Shinika
{%- elif states.lock.front_door.attributes.lock_status == "Unlocked with Keypad by user 7" -%} UL-Shinika
{%- elif states.lock.front_door.attributes.lock_status == "Manually Locked by Key Cylinder or Inside thumb turn" -%} Inside L Manually
{%- elif states.lock.front_door.attributes.lock_status == "Manually Unlocked" -%} Inside UL Manually
{%- else -%} Some one
{%- endif -%}
yes its not pair with the zwave. I had that problem for a month and it was hard to get help. I read it in the look book. you have to unpair the lock from the Zwave. in zwave click on “remove node” then on the door lock start the pairing process.
it will show the green check mark. restart HA. and put the zwave still close to the lock or it will not pair. if you do not get a green check on the lock keypad the lock is not
the zwave will pick it up but its not pair if the lock do not blink green.
A guy name James in the forum is good with Zwave, he help me
I think when I originally set my first lock up (few years ago now) it lacked the Lock Status field so I think that’s why mine utilize the alarm_level instead… this method is probably much easier now…
I was doing binary_sensors but I felt I had to make so many binary_sensors for each person , so I just made one sensor and just keep adding name to the sensor. the reason I made one sensor because I wanted to see who last open the lock in lovelace and one sensor I can do custom secondary info
I know mine paired correctly because when I set it up, I was 1 ft away
however, I didn’t seem to have all the entities as others mentioned. turns out that was because they are template based sensors, based on attributes of the lock. I also couldn’t seem to figure out how you could set or remove codes from HA. but I found that as well. You have to go into zwave integrations. pick your lock, the lock entity and then scroll to the bottom. you can then see where to set and delete users codes.
for the record, mine did not blink red either when I removed the battery case, so that may not have anything to do with it, mine appears to be paired correctly, now that I know where to look for things, I can craft better dashboard information and notifications.
thanks to @Roystervi for posting your template code, it was helpful.