Schlage Sense + Bluetooth via HomeKit integration

I have a Schlage Sense lock.

I recently connected it directly to Home Assistant via the new Bluetooth integration + homekit integration .
to my surprise, it actually worked.

what I found out today though is that, the lock is unpaired from the schlage app (not a huge deal) what is a big deal though, is that this has removed my passcodes from lock. I can’t unlock it via the touchpad.

Is there a work around for this? How can I feed the lock new codes via Home Assistant?

I was debating whether to go down this rabbit hole. As I want everything in home assistant and would rather not spend the money on a new lock.

I don’t think it would make a difference but I had two ideas. Can we connect the lock to HASS BT via HomeKit controller and also to our phones so we can get the option to do codes that way. Or will the latter not be available once HK is used.

Second would the app work if connect the lock to HASS then expose it to HK via HomeKit bridge?

I also think you may be able to program codes manually at the lock so you could link to HASS then readd codes locally at the lock.

any updates on this one? not even the default codes on the inside of the lock work, and it is nice to have a backup code

This is how I solved this:

  1. Configure schlage sense with HomeKit. This way you retain the ability to create and mange access codes.
  2. Create a helper input_boolean and expose it to HomeKit via HomeKit Bridge
  3. Create 4 automations in HomeKit as follows
  • When [boolean/switch] is off, Lock Schlage Sense
  • When [boolean/switch] is on, Unlock Schlage Sense
  • When Schlage Sense is locked, turn off [boolean/switch]
  • When Schlage Sense is unlocked, turn on [boolean/switch]

This accomplishes pretty much all of the unlock/lock use cases and monitoring via home assistant. You’ll monitor the state of the lock via the boolean, and you can unlock/lock the lock by setting the boolean.

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Where could I find this spelled out in more detail? New to HA, haven’t gotten any bluetooth devices or HomeKit integration configured successfully yet.

This is awesome. Thank you for the breakdown. Can I just ask how you would be able to pull in the battery entity doing it this way?

Yes, this was the Original way of doing it Before the nativer Bluetooth integration.

hey @eecharlie, if you’re new to HA, I don’t recomend this integration. no one wrote a specific integration for the lock, we’re piggy backing off a generic bluetooth integration that HA offers, but there are too many downsides.

What @cbmain wrote above was the original way people integrated this lock with HA and it’s still the best way. Beside what seems like a hacky way to integrate the lock with HK and HA it really (with creating a dummy switch/boolean) it really offers a zero-compromise way to integrate the lock.

When I was new to HA, I had a hard time wrappingmy head around the boolean, but it’s very simply, all it is is a Switch you create in HA that is “virtual” aka, it’s not tied to anything. it’s just a switch that does nothing in HA. - the magic comes from creating the automation in HK that follow this virtual switch. AKA: unlock lock when Switch is ON, lock lock when switch is OFF.

This has a 2nd hidden feature that’s not really talked about. that I LOVE.

Natively, in HK, if you craete an automation to unlock the lock when you arrive home. Apple has put in some safe guards where it will ask you to confirm EACH and EVERYTIME you arrive home if you want to run this automation (because it’s tied to a Lock)
However, if you create an autoamtion to turn off your Virtual Switch when you arrive home, HK will just do it as expected without asking for confirmation.