Schlage sense with 2022.8.3

Hello everyone,

I’ve been able to pair and use my Schlage Sense lock with HA directly since 2022.8.3. thanks @bdraco and all the team for the hard work on this!

but after pairing to HA, all access codes are lost and they can not longer be added with the Schlage app.
I tried to remove lock from HA, add it back to HomeKit, add my codes, remove from HomeKit and add it back to HA… but codes are lost.

is there a way to readd codes while keeping the HA pairing?


I don’t think it’s possible to keep the codes as a pair and unpair seems to reset them

Someone with the lock will likely need to reverse engineer the code management system and build support for it to get it usable.

Schalge has a way to manually add codes directly on the key pad… but it’s not working when paired. It can only be used when working in standalone mode.
I can surely test different things… but reverse engineer is very far from what I can do…

If a developer with the lock wants to reverse engineer this, I would suggest starting with:

  1. Re-export it to homekit with homekit integration
  2. Add the lock control point service and char from the original lock (look at diagnostics in homekit_controller) by modifing the homekit integration
  3. Try the manufactures app to see if it will try to send commands to the control point

This approach worked for other brands of locks, but I have no idea if it will work with the Schlage ones


Have any developments on this by any chance been made in 2022.9.0?

I would love to know if someone is working on the access code support. I would be happy to assist in any way I can but while I have some coding experience, I am certainly not an HA developer or someone that is capable of reverse engineering things.

Happy to test this as well. I have 3 of these locks installed and would love to be able to have them in HA.

Watching keenly on this, happy to test if needed

Do you happen to have an example of the modifications you made to the homekit integration for a lock you were successful with using this method?

I was using the Yale Home app for a yale lock with an m1 module. The app matches on the vendor homekit name and sends commands to the HomeKit chars based on that. I don’t know how the schlage app is designed but if you can get it to write to the lock control chars of a lock that has been reexported to HomeKit via the homekit integration you might be able to capture that and figure out how it works


Thanks for your work here. Breathed new life into my Schlage Sense Bluetooth lock. Very much appreciated.

Is there any way to report the battery level? That’s the one item I’m concerned about in terms of keeping the lock in service.

What did you do to even get those locks working in HA and still be able to program codes via the schlage app?

My more recent use cases don’t require the codes and HomeKit is no longer my primary integration platform.

Locking/unlocking is via either an automation, voice assistant, or device engagement; the physical key is the backup in case of an issue, power failure, etc.

This is how I solved this:

  1. Configure schlage sense with HomeKit. This way you retain the ability to create and mange access codes.
  2. Create a helper input_boolean and expose it to HomeKit via HomeKit Bridge
  3. Create 4 automations in HomeKit as follows
  • When [boolean/switch] is off, Lock Schlage Sense
  • When [boolean/switch] is on, Unlock Schlage Sense
  • When Schlage Sense is locked, turn off [boolean/switch]
  • When Schlage Sense is unlocked, turn on [boolean/switch]

This accomplishes pretty much all of the unlock/lock use cases and monitoring via home assistant. You’ll monitor the state of the lock via the boolean, and you can unlock/lock the lock by setting the boolean.

this is how I do it now…
it’s after and more reliable compared to connecting the lock directly with HA with bluetooth.

There has to be a warning that all the codes will be lost after pairing… I wasted so much time trying to understand what did I do wrong, and it turns out that it’s a feature.

So… to be clear - if I don’t have homekit, then there is no other ways to get the codes working, right?