Schlage Zwave Lock Stopped Working - 0.51.2 - SOLVED

FYI - I did lose custom naming - but I had backed up the zw**.xml file and simply stopped HASS and copied my custom names from the old xml to the new one - restarted HASS and all went back to normal.

Interesting, seems the zw*.xml maybe got screwed by not running with a security key defined…

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Seems like this happened to me. Since I have meticulously used the same zw*.xml for ozwcp and hass to maintain consistency, I suppose I put myself behind the 8-ball.

Is there any idea of what may have become corrupted in the file or will I have to exclude/include the devices and start entity change festivities?

Answered my own question. Here’s how to fix the xml:
-Stop hass
-First, get a working configuration in configuration.yaml, as noted above.
-Open the xml file and find the first line for your node. The relevant line starts with “Node id=”<node number without 0-padding>"". Example:
<Node id="17" name="Back Door Deadbolt" location="" basic="4" generic="64" specific="3" type="Secure Keypad Door Lock" listening="false" frequentListening="true" beaming="true" routing="true" max_baud_rate="40000" version="4" secured="true" query_stage="Probe">

-Modify the last part of the line to “query_stage=“Probe”” as seen above.
-Start ozwcp (as I did) or maybe hass, wait for probing to complete and check function.

I suppose it lost state and since it was in query state ‘Dynamic’ it assumed it didn’t have to do the security probe again. Fixed it for me.

After all that I will opine that maybe there was a better way to handle this change/upgrade.

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Thanks for your input @Warphammer - much appreciated!!