Scrape assistance required

Hi !

First, thanks for reading and your time :slight_smile:

I have read several threads and the doc regarding the scrape sensor but can’t seem to extract any data whatsoever from the website I am trying on.

Here is my sensor so far :

  - platform: scrape
    select: "span.available:nth-of-type(7)"

I want to fetch from the last bridge in the list
Bridge Status: ThisValue
Next Arrival: ThisValue
Subsequent Arrival: ThisValue

As I understand it I am going to need 3 sensors but I am fine with it.

I guess the problem is that the information you are looking for is not in the source of the main page.

For the bridges you want to scrape the frame:

Thanks for you input ! :slight_smile:

I tried scraping with :

  - platform: scrape
    select: "span.available:nth-of-type(7)"

But gives me :
Mon Sep 16 2019 20:43:57 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Unable to extract data from HTML