Scrape Assistance

Anyone know how to scrape the guage and forecast from this website?

I checked this briefly and was able to scrape the current value as follows:

  1. Setup a new scrape sensor with Resource →

  2. Configure the sensor as follows
    Select → #AuroraForecastDescription > h2 > span
    Value template → {{ value | regex_findall_index('(\d+)(?=/10)') }}

Basic forecast information (low, medium, intense) can be scraped with the following sensors:

Name Forecast1
Select → #ThreeDayForecast > div.threeDayItem.item0 > div
Value template → {{ value | regex_findall_index('(.*)(?=Aurora)') }}

Name Forecast2
Select → #ThreeDayForecast > div.threeDayItem.item1 > div
Value template → {{ value | regex_findall_index('(.*)(?=Aurora)') }}

Name Forecast3
Select → #ThreeDayForecast > div.threeDayItem.item2 > div
Value template → {{ value | regex_findall_index('(.*)(?=Aurora)') }}

I didn’t find a possibilty to scrape the number for the forecast so far.


This scrape sensor is working well, thanks. I am interested in what you used to show the graphic?

Figured it out, it is a Guage card.

Very nice!
With Multiscrape you can scrape the number value of the forecast like this:

  - resource: ""
    name: Aurora Forecast
      - unique_id: aurora_forecast_day1
        name: Aurora Forecast Day 1
        select: "div.threeDayItem.item0 > div"
        attribute: "class"
        value_template: "{{ value[1].split('level')[1] }}"