Scrape authentication question

I’m trying to get access to the web data for my outdoor wood boiler’s integrated web server. I can access the data via the web browser, but it requires authentication.

The website looks like:

and the code:

The username doesn’t change, it is already set and the password is just a default password.

I tried:

  • platform: scrape
    name: Furnace
    authentication: basic
    username: ‘Web User’
    password: heatmaster

But the logfile just says:
2022-11-20 20:00:44.061 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.scrape.sensor] Index ‘0’ not found in sensor.furnace

I tried without the username and still get the same error.

This makes me believe that it didn’t authenticate.

Anyone know what I’m doing wrong?

The scrape integration does not support form based authentication.

When you manually log in via the browser, can you see request headers being sent from your browser that contain an authentication token? If so, you could try setting that using the headers parameter, and hope the token does not expire.

Is there something that does?


I am able to get logged in using the multiscrape custom addon.

Form submit functionality · danieldotnl/ha-multiscrape Wiki · GitHub

  - name: Furnace
    scan_interval: 60
      submit_once: True
      select: "#input_password"
        password: "heatmaster"
      - unique_id: loginPage
        name: welcome
        select: '#desktopUserName > h2:nth-child(1)'
      - unique_id: loggedIn
        name: logoff
        select: "#desktopUserName > p:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(1)"
      - unique_id: siemenslogo
        name: logo
        select: "#logo_iPad"

I’m able to get values on the form that require you to be logged in. So this appears to be working for me.

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I did copy most of your config code and did adapt it to mine, but it does not work.

Maybe you can help me: New setup does not work · Issue #224 · danieldotnl/ha-multiscrape · GitHub

Hello @goetzpil , do you have found a solution to login and grap the date from your viessmann page?

Thanks in advance for you reply.