Scrape cast url from NPO or other example

I’ve been trying to utilize the Media Extractor, in the forum I’ve found examples for Tagesschau but sadly I can’t reproduce a working example.

I would like to have the latest 8 o clock Dutch news casted with just one click, but ultimately need some help with extracting the cast url.

I’d like to do the same for this local church stream: Kerkelijk Centrum de Regenboog Drielanden in Harderwijk

You guys have ideas on how to approach this?

What often works for me is to open the devtools in Chrome, go to the Network tab and then load the stream. Sometimes you can directly see the url, sometimes you can find it in API requests.
I’m not on my desktop atm, so I can’t check it for you.

Thanks! I’m getting a working url for the advertorial that comes first, when the actual broadcast starts, I don’t see any other URL appearing though… What does your config or automation for streaming look like? Do you use Media Extractor, or maybe just play via media_player.play_media service?

On the stream-link endpoint you can find the url for the mpd file. Not sure if or how cast can handle those DRM restricted streams.