I would like to scrape a few values from this website:
The values I want are in the fifth table. 8th/9th row, second column, (41.15000/26.26000).
In my screenshot you’ll see some things I tried. The first one with # works, also in the first table.
When I right-click in Chrome on the value I want, inspect > css-selector, it gives me the “select” like in the .yaml, but that returns an “unavailable”.
So what would I need to change to scrape data from the fifth table?
It’s an older topic, but I just wanted to try this myself, and figured I’d share a solution.
Assuming you want the value for Tarieven Luminus Actief+ en Optimal elektriciteit table’s piekuur dag en nacht tarief.
You could go for this select, to have the EUR/kWh price
Hoi Bart, lange tijd niet bezig geweest met HA. Zie nu pas je reactie, waarvoor dank. Wat ik bedoelde zijn de Actief+ tarieven voor zowel gas (8,48 ct/kWh) als electriciteit, (29,39/17,88 ct/kWh).
Wellicht wil je het stukje yaml posten zoals jij het werkend hebt? Alvast bedankt!
Hi Bart,
thanks a lot, it’s working!!
Actually I had it working but “Callmepower.be” changed their website so it stopped working. I now hope “Killmybill.be” isn’t going to change their website either soon, or even better, at all!!
I’m going to try figuring out how you got to this working “select” part!