Hi all,
I would like some feedback on the following code, i can’t get the information to pop-up in the sensors, i would just like to know how to scrape/rest information from last_value out of the jason (of each attribute). Right now i can rest/scrape the information from the attributes, however…it scrapes everything. I would like to know how i can get last_value per attribute (and have that show up in a sensor).
thanks in advance
- platform: rest
resource: https://coronadashboard.rijksoverheid.nl/json/NL.json
name: corona dashboard
scan_interval: 60
value_template: '{{ last_value_json.status }}'
- vaccine_administered_rate_moving_average
- vaccine_administered
- vaccine_administered_planned
- platform: template
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.corona_dashboard.attributes.vaccine_administered_rate_moving_average_last_value }}'
friendly_name: "Vaccine Moving Rate"
unit_of_measurement: persons
icon_template: mdi:test-tube
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.corona_dashboard.attributes.vaccine_administered_ggd_last_value }}'
friendly_name: "Vaccine Administered"
unit_of_measurement: persons
icon_template: mdi:needle
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.corona_dashboard.attributes.vaccine_administered_planned_last_value }}'
friendly_name: "Vaccine planned"
unit_of_measurement: vaccins
icon_template: mdi:calendar-clock