i cant figure out how to get my 3d printers status, percentage, remaining time, hotend temp and bed temp into home assistant.
i am using fluiddpi to control my klipper printer.
<div class="v-progress-circular__info"><span data-v-56567f7a="" class="percentComplete grey--text focus--text">50%</span></div>
extruder temp:
<div data-v-188720d2="" class="grey--text focus--text pt-0 pt-md-2 col-sm-3 col-6"> 244.7<small data-v-188720d2="">°C</small></div>
bed temp:
<div data-v-188720d2="" class="grey--text focus--text pt-0 pt-md-2 col-sm-3 col-6"> 80.0<small data-v-188720d2="">°C</small></div>
<span class="font-weight-light"> Printen <span class="font-weight-light text-subtitle-2 ml-sm-4 d-block d-sm-inline-block" style="display: none;"></span></span>
time left:
<span data-v-56567f7a="" class="v-tooltip v-tooltip--left"></span> 1h 55m 46s </div>
i tried for hours and i am frustrated as heck