Scrape plain text without any css tags

I have an url with just plain text that updates often, i dont know how to use scrape because there is no html or css tags just output text about two or three meanings ,
Any ideas?

You have to find a pattern in the text then.
A certain amount of characters in, a certain number of words in the line, a special character to count from or a combination of them all.

If you can post some examples of the output you want processed, then people here can help you search for the patterns.

hmm oki, here are 3 examples:

Platsen Varekilsnäs, Varekil, är tyvärr inte segelbar. Det blåser syd sydväst 12.2 meter per sekund. Byvind 18.5. Vågorna är 26 decimeter höga med perioden 6 sekunder. Vågriktning väst. Regn och 13 grader.

Platsen Tollenäs, Stenungsund, är segelbar. Det blåser syd sydväst 12.5 meter per sekund. Byvind 18.8. Vågorna är 8 decimeter höga med perioden 6 sekunder. Vågriktning syd. Regn och 13 grader.

Platsen Måseskär, Käringön, är segelbar. Det blåser syd 14.1 meter per sekund. Byvind 17.6. Vågorna är 30 decimeter höga med perioden 6 sekunder. Vågriktning syd. Regn och 13 grader.

Sorry the late response, but it looks like you can use , and/or . as a dividers.

If you use Node-Red, then here is a thread with the same problem.

Hi, Sorry also for late response. I dont use node red, havent found out what i need it for ,Well i wont get into it for this little thing either :smiley:

How much of the text do you actually need?

the whole content :slight_smile:

OK, I was afraid of that - we are limited in the state to only 250 characters or something like that. So we definitely can’t shove the whole thing in to a sensor, but we can take out the parts you need, unfortunately as I don’t speak the language I don’t know exactly what it says. I’ve deduced there is a temperature, and a wind speed but that is about all.

Area and possibility for sailing:

Platsen Tollenäs, Stenungsund, är segelbar.

Wind and winddirection:

Det blåser syd sydväst 12.5 meter per sekund.

I think this is windgust:

Byvind 18.8.

Wave height and interval:

Vågorna är 8 decimeter höga med perioden 6 sekunder.

Wave direction:

Vågriktning syd.

Weather and temperature:

Regn och 13 grader.

Well, Node-Red can a few nice things here, like easily parse a HTML file and extract the info as well as split the info and paste it into sensor states and/or attributes.

I use it myself to pull weather forecast and plot the values into a single sensor for each of the 2 places I monitor. It is around 3300 lines per sensor.